Data Collection: Tools, Methods, and Practices for Reporting Results

Last Updated: August 21, 2013

Data Collection

The Futurescape City Tour is a coordinated research project between CNS-ASU and the 2013 partner sites. The aim is to standardize data collection so as to easily share results across the sites.

During the fall 2012 Pilot conducted in Phoenix we created templates of surveys and evaluations that should be collaboratively adapted and used by partner sites. While these tools are explained in more detail in Tour Implementation, the essential data collection tools are collected here.

Recruitment Application: This survey was used to gather data about potential study participants and was administered 2 months prior to the Orientation (Session 1).

Post-tour Evaluation: This survey was administered within two weeks following the tour to gather participants’ perception of the value and effectiveness of the tour.

Post-tour Interview Protocol: These interview questions are designed to capture more in-depth impressions about the value and effectiveness of the tour.

The following is a summary of the other responsibilities that are fixed across sites and shared. Please refer to this Data Management Worksheet for the complete list. 

  1. Take Observational Notes for all Sessions
  2. Create Summary meta-analyses (~ 1 page) of every session created within 24 hours of the end of the session
    1. This includes tracking any changes to our methods.
  3. Digital Recordings of all Sessions
  4. Create and Distribute a research agenda and research questions before Session I to all Partners
  5. Take high resolution photos of any Image-work that is completed during Session III
  6. Share Flickr Data with all groups

Other Possible Forms of Data Collection:

  1. Informal Interviews During Session II


This is a list of all of the materials mentioned elsewhere on the website that you will need to design a tour.

  • Stages of Project
    • Pre-Planning-L3
    • Session I -L3
    • Session II-L3
    • Session III-L3
    • Data Collection-L3
  • Document Types-L2
    •  Surveys-L3
    • Correspondences-L3
    • Workbook-L3
    • IRB-L3
    • Advertising-L3
    • Recruitment -L3
      • Participants-L3A
      • Experts-L3B
  • Session Powerpoint
  • Agendas:
  •   Room layout, materials that we brought with us, agenda, facilitators agenda, powerpoint slides, nanoequity (learning objectives with it), object talks (tangible and material dimensions of technology.