RTTA 3: Anticipation & Deliberation
The goals of RTTA 3 are to appreciate multiple, plausible futures, and to elucidate public preferences of alternatives.
RTTA 3 consists of four integrated approaches that address research, education, and outreach:
- RTTA 3/1 Futures of Foresight explores approaches to imagining plausible nano-enabled futures.
- RTTA 3/2 InnovationSpace is a collaborative undergraduate design course in collaboration with several ASU Schools in which student teams create product designs within a framework of responsible innovation.
- RTTA 3/3 Probing Future-Oriented Deliberation probes the frameworks, inputs, structures and qualities of future-oriented deliberation.
- RTTA 3/4 Futurescape City Tours is a large-scale citizen engagement activity that engages members of the public on walking tours designed to critique issues related to nanotechnology and the city.
Recent Publications from RTTA 3
Patel, Anil and Cynthia Selin. Review and resubmit. "Scenario Planning at the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers: a Public Sector Case Study." Long Range Planning. |
Davies, Sarah R., Cynthia Selin, Carlo Altamirano Allende, Michael Burnam-Fink, Corinne DiVittorio, Cecilie Glerup and et al. In press. "Studying Emerge: Findings from an Event Ethnography." Futures. doi: 10.1016/j.futures.2014.05.003 |
Konrad, K., van Lente, H., Groves, C. and Selin, C.. In press. "The Future in STS: Performativity & Temporality." The Handbook for Science and Technology Studies, ed(s). Miller, C., Smith-Doerr, L., Felt, U. and Fouche, R., MIT Press. |