NSF Highlights
Highlights are short slides that describe a notable event or result that happened during a given year. Highlights are submitted with our annual report each year. See below for a list of all highlights, sorted by research area.
- 2015: Applying CNS-ASU Lessons Learned to Synthetic Biology
- 2014: Publications Review CNS-ASU Contributions in Anticipation & Engagement
- 2013: Is it a Pumpkin or a Tiger? Solving the Puzzle of Emerging Science and Technology
- 2013: Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society series expands with third volume
- 2012: CNS-ASU Hosts Third Annual S.Net Conference
- 2011: Curious about the Role of Nanoscience? New Encyclopedia has Answers
- 2009: Innovation Policy: Not Just a Jumbo Shrimp
- 2015: Increasing Empathic Capacity in Engineering Students
- 2014: Winter School Expands Reach of CNS-ASU Research Methods and Theory
- 2009: Integrating Ethics into Graduate Science & Engineering Education
- 2008: Informal Nanotechnology Education
- 2008: PhD-plus Education in the Societal Dimensions of Nanoscale Science & Engineering
- 2015: Taking NanoDays to South Africa
- 2015: Increasing Diversity in Fields Where Science and Society Intersect
- 2014: CNS-ASU Leads Community Building for Responsible Innovation
- 2014: Starting the Nanotechnology in Society Conversation with Museum Visitors
- 2013: Nanotechnology and society issues illustrated through “Three Big Ideas”
- 2012: CNS-ASU and Private Sector Nanotechnology
- 2012: SEI Congress Explores How to Teach Social & Ethical Implications of Research to Scientists & Engineers
- 2010: Lessons of Engagement: How Scientists Can Learn from Policy-Makers and the Public
- 2010: Should Corporations Contribute to Nano-Regulation?
- 2010: S.Net Workshop Teaches Others About CNS-ASU Research Methods
- 2008: Science & Engineer Practitioner Training about Societal & Ethical Dimensions of Nano
Real-Time Technology Assessments
RTTA 1: Research and Innovation System Analysis
- 2015: New Tools Reveal Worldwide Nanotechnology Development Trends
- 2014: New Patent Mapping System Improves Innovation Insight
- 2013: Seminar poses the question:Is it time to reassess the promise of nanotechnology?
- 2012: The Emerging Dynamics of Nanotechnology Commercialization: How are Corporations Entering into Nanotechnology Innovation?
- 2011: CNS-ASU to Study the Commercialization of Graphene
- 2011: Researchers Follow Money, Discover Nanotech Research Transcends Country Borders
- 2010: From Passive to Active Nanostructures: Signs That A Major Transition Is Beginning
- 2010: Nanotechnology Workforce Needs of Pharmaceutical Companies Still Evolving
- 2010: A Snapshot Profile of Nanotechnology Degree Programs in the U.S.
- 2009: How Interdisciplinary is Nanotechnology?
- 2009: Nanotechnology Research Publication Trends, 1990 through Mid-2008
- 2008: Regional Clusters of Nanoscale Science & Engineering Activity in the United States
- 2008: Workforce Assessment in Nanotechnology Industries
RTTA 2: Public Opinion and Values
- 2015: Improving Understanding of Public Attitudes Toward Emerging Technologies
- 2014: Toward Uncommon Ground: Fostering Civil Disagreement in the Modern Communication World
- 2013: CNS-ASU faculty confront a Brave New (online) World for Science Policy
- 2011: Study Finds Flaw in Surveying Public Opinion about Science
- 2010: Nanotechnology Info Gap Widening: Is Outreach Getting to the Right Audiences?
- 2009: Religious in U.S. Question the Moral Acceptability of Nanotechnology
- 2008: Lack of Knowledge Doesn’t Stop Americans from Having Opinions about Nanotechnology
- 2008: Media Coverage of Nanotechnology – What will Happen Next?
- 2008: Scientists Worry about Nanotechnology’s Health & Environmental Impacts
RTTA 3: Anticipation and Deliberation
- 2015: Designing for Reflexive Foresight
- 2014: Futurescape City Tour Project Expands to Five More Cities
- 2014: CNS-ASU Provides Support and Ethical Guidance for InnovationSpace Students
- 2013: Novel “Futurescape” walking tours engage citizens directly with technology of the city
- 2012: Artists and Scientists Redesign the Future in Arizona State University’s Emerge Event
- 2010: Crafting Research Agendas in Plausibility: The Plausibility Project Workshop at Arizona State University
- 2009: Citizens' Report Addresses Nanotechnologies Used for Human Enhancement
- 2009: InnovationSpace Explores Nanotechnology for Affordable & Renewable Clean Energy
- 2008: 2008 National Citizens’ Technology Forum: Public Deliberation about Nanotechnology
- 2008: InnovationSpace and CriticalCorps Challenge Nanotechnology Designers
- 2008: Using Scenarios to Encourage Responsible Debate about the Social Implications of Nanotechnology
RTTA 4: Integration & Reflexivity
- 2015: To What End? Characterizing Socio-Technical Integration Practices
- 2014: Advancing the Field of Socio-Technical Integration
- 2013: Socio-Technical Integration Research continues to get results in nano-R&D
- 2012: CNS-ASU Authors Produce Special Issue of Science and Engineering Ethics
- 2010: Responsible Innovation: Integrating the Social and Natural Sciences in Laboratories around the World
- 2009: NSF Grant Extends CNS-ASU Laboratory Integration Activities to Global Scale
- 2008: Integration and Reflexivity in Nanoscience and Engineering
Thematic Research Clusters
TRC 1: Equity and Responsibility
- 2015: Improving Community Development Project Outcomes
- 2014: Assessing Equity and Equality of Emerging Technologies
- 2013: “Nano Around the World” card game makes gains in popularity, audiences
- 2010: The Yearbook of Nanotechnology In Society, Volume II: Nanotechnology & the Challenges of Equity, Equality & Development
- 2009: Workshop on Nanotechnology: Equity and Equality
- 2008: New Methods in Public Engagement: A Dialogue on Nanotechnology and Religion
TRC 2: Urban Design, Materials, and the Built Environment
- 2015: Anticipating Environmental Impacts of Solar Technologies
- 2014: Scenarios Explore Urban Nanotechnology Futures
- 2013: Searchable online database of urban nanotechnology now available
- 2011: Will Nanotech Help or Harm Our Cities?: New CNS-ASU Research Theme Studies Emerging Technology & the Future of the City
- 2010: Sustainable Anticipatory Governance: A New Governance Model for Urban Development