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Bernstein MJ, Foley RW, Wiek A and Anderies JM. In Revision. "Intervention Research Framework for Responsible Innovation." Working Paper. |
Shapira, P., Gök, A. and Yazdi, F., S.. August 2015. "Graphene Research and Enterprise: Mapping innovation and business growth in a strategic emerging technology Nesta." Working Paper. |
Xenos, Michael A., Dietram A. Scheufele and Dominique E. Brossard. June 2013. "News Media Use and the Informed Public in the Digital Age." Working Paper. |
Zhou, X. and Alan L. Porter. 2013. "Patent and Publication Comparison for a Promising Emerging Industry Nano-Enabled Drug Delivery." Working Paper. |
Zhou, X., Alan L. Porter and Douglas K. R. Robinson. 2013. "Analyzing Research Publication Patterns to Gauge Future Innovation Pathways for Nano-Enabled Drug Delivery." Working Paper. |
Shapira, Philip and Jan Youtie. 2012. "The Economic Contributions of Nanotechnology to Green and Sustainable Growth." Working Paper. |
van der Leeuw, Sander, Arnim Wiek, J. Harlow and James Buizer. 2012. "How Much Time Do We Have to Fail? The Urgency of Sustainability Challenges vis-a-vis Roadblocks and Opportunties in Sustainability Science." Working Paper. Sustainability Science February 2012, Special Issue (ICSS 2010). |
Corley, Elizabeth A. and Meghna Sabharwal. 2011. "Scholarly Collaboration and Productivity Patterns in Public Administration: Analyzing Recent Trends." Working Paper. Public Administration. |
Strumsky, Deborah, Jose Lobo and Sander van der Leeuw. 2011. "Measuring the Relative Importance of Reusing, Recombining and Creating Technologies in the Process of Invention." Working Paper. Working paper #11-02-003 of the Santa Fe Institute. |
Carley, Stephen. 2010. "Charting the Growth of a New Field: Who is Citing Nanotoxicology Research." Working Paper. |
Meng, Yu, Philip Shapira and Li Tang. 2010. "A Case Study of Nano-pigment Innovation in China: Probing the Co-evolution of Nanotechnology and the Innovation System." Working Paper. Nanomaterial Innovation Case Study, Chemical Heritage Foundation. |
Rafols, Ismael. 2010. "Missing Links in Nanomaterials Governance: Bringing Industrial Dynamics and Downstream Policies into view." Working Paper. |
Robinson, Douglas K. R., Lu Huang, Ying Guo and Alan L. Porter. 2010. "Towards a Systematic Framework for Anticipating and Evaluating Emerging S and T: Forecasting Innovation Pathways in Nanobiosensors and Deep Brain Interface Devices." Working Paper. |
Shapira, Philip, Jan Youtie and Luciano Kay. 2010. "Corporate Entry into Nanotechnology through Patents and Publications: 1990 to 200." Working Paper. White Paper. |
Tang, Li, Philip Shapira and Yu Meng. 2010. "A Spin-in Model of Nanomaterials Innovation in China." Working Paper. Nanomaterial Innovation Case Study, Chemical Heritage Foundation. |
Anderson, Ashley A., Jason A. Delborne, Daniel L. Kleinman, Maria Powell and Mathilde Colin. 2009. "Communication of Emerging Technologies: How Individuals Engage in Information Seeking in Deliberative Settings." Working Paper. |
Carley, Stephen. 2009. "Diffusion Indicators for Nanotechnology Research in the United States and Europe." Working Paper. |
Fernandez-Ribas, Andrea. 2009. "Global Patent Strategies of SMEs in Nanotechnology." Working Paper. |
Garcia-Mont, Aixa and David Conz. 2009. "Latinas/os in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics: Culture, Gender and Mentorship." Working Paper. |
Guo, Ying, Lu Huang and Alan L. Porter. 2009. "Profiling Research Patterns for a New and Emerging Science and Technology: Dye-sensitized Solar Cells." Working Paper. Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, October 2-3, 2009. |
Powell, Maria, Mathilde Colin, Jason A. Delborne, Daniel L. Kleinman and Ashley A. Anderson. 2009. "Citizens' Reflections on their Participation in a Deliberative Exercise on Emerging Technologies." Working Paper. |
Shapira, Philip and Jan Youtie. 2009. "The Emergence of Social Science Research in Nanotechnology." Working Paper. |
Subramanian, Vrishali. 2009. "Active Nanotechnology: What Can We Expect? A Perspective for Policy from Bibliographical and Bibliometric Analysis." Working Paper. |
Ying, Gao, Alan L. Porter and Lu Huang. 2009. "Nanotechnology-Enhanced Thin-Film Solar Cells: Analysis of Global Research Activities with Future Prospects." Working Paper. 2009 IAMOT Conference. |
Youtie, Jan, Philip Shapira and Juan D. Rogers. 2009. "Blind Matching Versus Matchmaking: Comparison Group Selection for Highly Creative Researchers." Working Paper. Paper prepared for Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy on October 2-3, 2009. |