Elizabeth Corley

Lincoln Professor of Public Policy, Ethics & Emerging Technologies
Associate Professor, School of Public Affairs
Research Program:
Elizabeth A. Corley is the Lincoln Professor of Public Policy, Ethics & Emerging Technologies and Associate Professor in the School of Public Affairs (SPA) at ASU. Her research interests focus on technology policy and environmental policy. Her book titled Urban Environmental Policy Analysis (with Heather E. Campbell) was published by M.E. Sharpe in 2012. Professor Corley currently serves as a Co-Principal Investigator for the NSF-funded Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University (CNS-ASU).
Her published research has appeared in books and peer-reviewed journals, including Environmental Science & Technology, Evaluation & Program Planning, Evaluation Review, Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics, Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Journal of Technology Transfer, Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, Nature Nanotechnology, Policy Studies, Public Administration, Public Understanding of Science, Research in Higher Education, Research Policy, Review of Policy Research, Science & Public Policy, Science Communication, Scientometrics, Social Science Journal, Society & Natural Resources, and Technovation. She is currently a member of the editorial board for Research Evaluation and Evaluation & Program Planning.
Professor Corley received a B.S.C.E. in Civil Engineering, an M.S.C.E. in Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Water Resources, an M.S. in Environmental Engineering and a Ph.D. in Public Policy - all from the Georgia Institute of Technology. Before joining ASU, she held teaching and research positions at Georgia Tech, Bucknell University, and Columbia University.
For a PDF list of published peer-reviewed articles, please view Professor Corley's ResearcherID page.