September 4, 2013
Scholars and practitioners in the emerging interdisciplinary field known as “responsible innovation” now have a new place to publish their work. The Journal of Responsible Innovation (JRI) will offer an opportunity to articulate, strengthen and critique perspectives about the role of responsibility in the research and development process. -
August 29, 2013
Last year, CNS-ASU ran a successful pilot project that took citizens on a walk through their own city. This walking tour, called the Futurescape City Tours, was designed to get citizens to focus on particular elements of the urban landscape, and how they incorporate technology and can affect issues such as sustainability.
May 24, 2013
"Intellectual fusion" is one of the key design imperatives at Arizona State University. At the Communities of Integration Workshop taking place this week in Tempe, AZ, a key theme has been cross-disciplinary work and the fusion of social and natural sciences. Bringing the two together, ASU President Dr. Michael Crow delivered a welcome address to the conference attendees via video.
May 23, 2013
Bringing social scientists into natural science and engineering contexts is one of the central themes of CNS-ASU's research thrust on Integration (RTTA 4). At the Communities of Integration workshop, taking place this week in Tempe, AZ, Dr. Erik Fisher and the RTTA 4 team are seeking to establish a new field called ‘Socio-Technical Integration’ (STI).
May 2, 2013
Investment in nanotechnology research is based on the promise of a transition to active nanotechnology, nanostructures, and nanodevices. Products of all kinds have been promised, everything from self-healing materials to molecular machines. But are such advances really taking place, and if so, where are they happening, and when will they arrive?
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