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Cozzens, Susan, Rodrigo Cortes Lobos, Ogundiran Soumonni and Thomas Woodson. 2013. "Nanotechnology and the Millennium Development Goals: Water, Energy, and Agrifood." Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 15(2013):1-14. doi: 10.1007/s11051-013-2001-y |
Davies, S. R., Selin, C., Gano, G. and Pereira, A. G.. 2013. "Finding Futures: A Spatio-Visual Experiment in Participatory Engagement." Leonardo: The International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology. 46(1):76-77. doi: 10.1162/LEON_a_00489 |
Davies, Sarah R., Cynthia Selin, Gretchen Gano and Angela Pereira. 2013. "Finding Futures: A Spatio-Visual Experiment in Participatory Engagement." Leonardo: The International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology. 46(1):76-77. doi: 10.1162/LEON_a_00489 |
de Ridder-Vignone, Kathryn. September 2013. "design and the Appropriation of Place – Experimenting with Photography as a Method." Presentation. Visual Methods Seminar: Observing and Visualizing Urban Culture. Belgium. |
de Ridder-Vignone, Kathryn. November 2013. "Four Design Principles of Public Engagement." Presentation. Sensing Change: Mapping the Climatic Imaginary Through Art, Science and History Workshop. Chemical Heritage Foundation. Philadelphia, PA. |
de Ridder-Vignone, Kathryn. September 10, 2013. "How Material Deliberation Creates More Democratic Governance of Emerging Technologies." Presentation. Enlightening Lunch Series. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
de Ridder-Vignone, Kathryn. September 17, 2013. "Material Deliberation as Public Engagement in the Nanoscale Informal Science Education (NISE) Network." CNS-ASU Occasional Speaker. |
de Ridder-Vignone, Kathryn. July 2013. "Material Deliberation as Public Engagement in the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network." Presentation. Science in Public 2013: Critical Perspectives on Making Science Public. Nottingham, United Kingdom. |
de Ridder-Vignone, Kathryn. October 2013. "The Futurescape City Tours: Material Deliberation as Public Engagement." Presentation. Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (S.NET) Annual Conference. Boston, MA. |
de Ridder-Vignone, Kathryn. October 2013. "The Futurescape City Tours: Material Deliberation as Public Engagement." Presentation. Society for the Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. |
de Ridder-Vignone, Kathryn. August-September 2013. "Visual Methods Seminar: Observing and Visualizing Urban Culture by Jon Wagner, Richard Chalfen, Luc Pauwels, and John Grady." Presentation. University of Antwerp Summer School. Belgium. |
de Ridder-Vignone, Kathryn, Cynthia Selin and Gretchen Gano. October 8, 2013. "Futurescape City Tours: Incorporating the Temporal, Sensual and Material in Public Engagement with Nanotechnology." Presentation. Science and Its Publics: Exploring Emergent Forms of Public Engagement, Newkirk Center: Promoting Scientific Knowledge in Society’s Interest. University of California Irvine. |
Falls, Dee Dee and Adriene Jenik. January 18, 2013. "Learning in the Nano City." Presentation. CNS-ASU Science Café. Arizona Science Center. Phoenix, AZ. |
Downey, Gary Lee, Juan C. Lucena, Donna Riley and Jameson Wetmore. 2013. "They’re Here to Help: Social Scientists Enable Engineers to See the Gaps in their own Expertise." Last Word, ASEE Prism. p. 60. |
Downey, Gary Lee, Juan C. Lucena, Donna Riley and Jameson Wetmore. 2013. "They're Here to Help: Social Scientists Enable Engineers to See the Gaps in their own Expertise." Last Word, ASEE Prism. p. 60. |
Ellwood, Paul, Erik Fisher and Krsto Panzda. 2013. "Organizational Life Cycles for Responsible Innovation." Emerging Technologies: Socio-Behavioral Life Cycle Approaches, ed(s). Michael Gorman, Nora Savage and Anita Street, p. 117-138. Singapore: Pan Stanford. |
Fischhoff, Baruch and Dietram A. Scheufele. 2013. "The Science of Science Communication." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 110:14031-14032. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1312080110 |
Fisher, Erik and Schuurbiers, Daan. 2013. "Midstream Modulation." Opening up the Laboratory: Approaches for Early Engagement with New Technology, ed(s). Doorn, N., Schuurbiers, D., van de Poel, I. and Gorman, M. E., p. 97-110. Wiley-Blackwell. |
Fisher, Erik. June 24-27, 2013. "Probing Capacities for Socio-Technical Integration." Presentation. Communities of Integration Track. 4th Annual International Science for Team Science Conference. Northwestern University. Evanston, IL. |
Fisher, Erik. December 16, 2013. "Socio-Technical Collaboration in Science: Building Capacities for Responsible Innovation." Presentation. International Symposium for Responsible Research and Innovation. Osaka University. Japan. |
Fisher, Erik, Shannon Conley and Cameron Keys. September 8-11, 2013. "Socio-Technical Integration Research: Around the world in 30 labs." Presentation. Digital Poster. 1st Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation. Australia National University. Canberra, Australia. |
Fisher, Erik and Eric Kennedy. September 8-11, 2013. "Communities of Practice: Sociotechnical Integration (CoPSI)." Presentation. Digital Poster. 1st Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation. Australia National University. Canberra, Australia. |
Fisher, Erik and Arie Rip. 2013. "Responsible Innovation: Multi-Level Dynamics and Soft Interventions." Responsible Innovation, ed(s). R. Owen, M. Heintz and J. Bessant, p. 165-183. Chichester, UK: Wiley. |
Fisher, Erik and Daan Schuurbiers. 2013. "Socio-technical Integration Research: Collaborative Inquiry at the Midstream of Research and Development." Opening up the Laboratory: Approaches for Early Engagement with New Technology, ed(s). I. van de Poel, M.E. Gorman, N. Doorn and D. Schuurbiers, 16:97-110. Wiley-Blackwell. |
Flipse, Steven M. 2013. "Enhancing Socially Responsible Innovation in Industry: Practical Use for Considerations of Social and Ethical Aspects of Industrial Life Science & Technology." Doctoral Dissertation. Technical University of Delft. Delft, The Netherlands. |