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Corley, Elizabeth A. and Jan Youtie. 2009. "Learning to Manage Multi-institutional Multidisciplinary Research Centers: A Case Study the LIFE Center." Presentation. 10th Public Management Research Association Conference. |
Dalrymple, Kajsa E., Amy B. Becker, Dominique E. Brossard, Dietram A. Scheufele and Al C. Gunther. August 2009. "Getting Citizens Involved: How Controversial Science Policy Debates Stimulates Issue Participation during a Political Campaign." Presentation. Annual Convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Boston, MA. |
Dalrymple, Kajsa E., Dietram A. Scheufele and Elizabeth A. Corley. May 2009. "Proximity to Experts? Rethinking Operationalizations of Cognitive Outcomes Based on Dual-source Measures." Presentation. International Communication Association (Mass Communication Division) Conference. Chicago, IL. |
Dudo, Anthony D., Dominique E. Brossard, James Shanahan, Dietram A. Scheufele, Michael Morgan and Nancy Signorelli. August 2009. "Science on Television in the 21st Century: Recent Trends in Portrayals and their Contributions to Public Attitudes toward Science." Presentation. Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Boston, MA. |
Dudo, Anthony D., Sharon Dunwoody and Dietram A. Scheufele. August 2009. "The Emergence of Nano News: Tracking Thematic Trends and Changes in Media Coverage of Nanotechnology." Presentation. Annual Convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Boston, MA. |
Fernandez-Ribas, Andrea. October 3, 2009. "Firms' Global Patent Strategies in an Emerging Technology." Presentation. Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy. Atlanta, GA. |
Fernandez-Ribas, Andrea. 2009. "Global Patent Strategies of SMEs in Nanotechnology." Working Paper. |
Fernandez-Ribas, Andrea and Philip Shapira. 2009. "Technological Diversity, Scientific Excellence and the Location of Inventive Activities Abroad: The Case of Nanotechnology." Journal of Technology Transfer. 34(3):286-303. doi: 10.1007/s10961-008-9090-2 |
Fernandez-Ribas, Andrea and Philip Shapira. October 2009. "The Globalization of Innovation in Nanotechnology: Some Empirical Evidence for US, Japanese, and European Firms." Presentation. Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy. Atlanta, GA. |
Fisher, Erik. May 18, 2009. "Inquiry and Nanotechnology." Presentation. Human Practices Workshop. University of California at Berkeley. Berkeley, CA. |
Fisher, Erik. July 4-7, 2009. "Inquiry as Intervention." Presentation. STIR Workshop 2: Inquiry as Intervention. Center for Nanotechnology in Society. Arizona State University. Vatnahalsen, Norway. |
Fisher, Erik. June 8-9, 2009. "Integrating Ethics and Engineering in the Laboratory: Reflections of an Embedded Humanist." Presentation. Graduate Interdisciplinary Liberal Engineering Ethics (GILEE) Workshop on Integrating Ethics and Societal Issues into a Graduate Curriculum. Virginia Tech University. Blacksburg, VA. |
Fisher, Erik. June 2009. "Integrating Science and Society in Nanotechnology Laboratories." Presentation. The Nano Renewable Energy Summit. Denver, CO. |
Fisher, Erik. June 22-23, 2009. "Integrating Science and Society in Nanotechnology Laboratories." Presentation. The Nano Renewable Energy Summit. Denver, CO. |
Fisher, Erik. September 8, 2009. "Integration and Reflexivity: Integrating Social Science and Humanisitic Work with Laboratory Research in Emerging Science and Technology." Presentation. S.NET Pre-Conference Workshop: Real-time Technology Assessment and Anticipatory Governance. University of Washington. |
Fisher, Erik. June 30, 2009. "Laboratory Engagement, STIR: Initial Project Results." Presentation. TA NanoNed Annual Meeting. Utrecht, The Netherlands. |
Fisher, Erik. 2009. "Legislative and Regulatory Framework." Nanotechnology and FDA-Regulated Products: The Essential Guide, Washington, DC: Food and Drug Law Library. |
Fisher, Erik. June 24, 2009. "Science and Society in the Laboratory? Reflections of an Embedded Humanist." Presentation. Colorado Fuel Cell Center. Colorado School of Mines. Golden, CO. |
Fisher, Erik. March 2009. "Socio-Technical Integration Research." Presentation. Research Funding and the Good Life. University of Twente. The Netherlands. |
Fisher, Erik. March 18, 2009. "Socio-Technical Integration Research." Presentation. Workshop on Research Funding and the Good Life. University of Twente. Enschede, The Netherlands. |
Fisher, Erik. January 2009. "STIR Project Overview." Presentation. STIR Workshop 1: Constructing Foundations. Center for Nanotechnology in Society. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Fisher, Erik. June 25, 2009. "The 'Two Cultures' in Science Policy." Presentation. Center for Science and Technology Policy Research. University of Colorado-Boulder. Boulder, CO. |
Fisher, Erik. May 7, 2009. "The 'Two Cultures' in Science Policy Today." Presentation. School of Public Affairs. University of Colorado-Denver. Denver, CO. |
Fisher, Erik. June 2009. "The Two Cultures in Science Policy." Presentation. Center for Science and Technology Policy Research. University of Colorado at Boulder. Boulder, CO. |
Fisher, Erik and Derrick Anderson. December 4, 2009. "From Lab to Legislature: Public Value Mapping of Nanotechnology Science and Innovation Policy Making." Presentation. Dupont Summit on Science and Technology Policy. Policy Studies Organization. Carnegie Institution for Science. Washington, DC. |