Remembering Dave Conz

April 18, 2013

Dave Conz

All of us at CNS-ASU are mourning the passing of our beloved colleague, David Conz.

Dave was an Assistant Research Professor with CNS-ASU since its inception in 2005. 

Dave’s curiosity and imagination led him to study the similarities and differences between professionally-trained, institutional scientists and engineers and their self-taught, hacker and maker counterparts. And he practiced what he studied: Dave was an avid homebrewer of both beer and biodiesel. More recently he translated those skills into a course at ASU on the cultural history and chemistry of beer – earning him nicknames like “Dr. Beer” or “Professor Moonshine.”

His writing has appeared in SlateResearch PolicyOxford Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Society, and Science on the Internet.

On the Consortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes blog, As We Now Think, there are more photos and thoughts on Dave's contributions to ASU and the world around him.

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