
ProGRess Project

VIRI Institutional Affiliate

PROmoting Global REsponsible research and Social and Scientific innovation (ProGReSS) is an FP7 funded network project (2013-2016), which promotes RRI globally. Specific aims are:

1. Link existing international networks of RRI with relevant societal actors on a global scale to focus innovation on societal desirability.

2. Complete a major fact-finding mission comparing science funding strategies and innovation policies in Europe, the US, China, Japan, India, Australia, and South Africa.

3. Advocate a European normative model for RRI globally, using constitutional values as a driver to inform societal desirability.

4. Develop a strategy for fostering the convergence of regional innovation systems at the global level. 

VIRI Partner Doris Schroeder is the principal investigator for the ProGReSS, a professor of moral philosophy, and director of the Centre for Professional Ethics. 


ProGReSS Project Outputs


Recent ProGReSS RRI News Items


Submit your manuscript to the Journal of Responsible Innovation

VIRI is supported by the National Science Foundation under collective agreement #1257246.

VIRI is housed at the Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University.