VIRI International Affiliate ProGReSS Publishes Interviews with RRI Experts

The international consortium ProGReSS has published a series of interviews with Responsible Research and Innovation leaders on the YouTube channel ProgressRRI. The consortium aims to develop a governance model​ for RRI based on constitutional values and will eventually publish 11 interviews on the channel. In one interview, Petra Ahrweiler, director of the European Academy of Technology and Innovation Assessment in Germany, explains that "science, technology and innovation change society rapidly, opening up new courses of action and new opportunities to explore. But they also introduce new risks, so it's very important to study and assess the consequences and impacts of scientific and technological advances and to provide policy advice for decision makers."  Along with Ahrweiler, other RRI experts share their views on what RRI means, its historical trajectory, and its likely future development across cultures and continents. 



Wednesday, February 5, 2014



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