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Mahootian, Farzad. In Preparation. "Complimentarity and Self-Reflexive Science: A Systems View of Laboratory Engagement Studies." Conference Proceedings of Empirical Philosophy of Science. |
Fisher, Erik. March 20-21, 2015. "Reflections on Responsible Innovation, Training, and Institutional Capacity Building." Presentation. Invited Presentation. Can Innovators Be Made? A Dialogue on the Past, Present, and Future of Innovation Expertise. Washington, DC. |
Fisher, Erik, Michael O'Rourke, Eric B. Kennedy, Rob Evans, Mike Gorman and Tom Seager. 2015. "Mapping the Integrative Field: Taking Stock of Socio-Technical Collaborations." Journal of Responsible Innovation. 2(1):39-61. doi: 10.1080/23299460.2014.1001671 |
Fisher, Erik. May 29, 2014. "How to Talk to Scientists about Ethics." Presentation. Invited Presentation. Workshop on Ethics and Society. French National Research Agency. Paris, France. |
Fisher, Erik. February 11, 2014. "Invited Testimony." Presentation. The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues. Sixteenth meeting. Washington, DC. |
Fisher, Erik. May 23, 2014. "Modulating the Laboratory: Integrating Care and Creativity." Presentation. Academic Presentation. Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy. University College. London. |
Fisher, Erik. February 15, 2014. "Responsible Collaborations in Interdisciplinary Research." Presentation. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Chicago, IL. |
Fisher, Erik. April 2-4, 2014. "Responsible Innovation: Integrating Care and Creativity." Presentation. Invited Presentation. Association for Managers of Innovation, Spring 2014 Conference. San Diego, CA. |
Fisher, Erik. May 28, 2014. "Socio-Technical Comm un ication for Integration." Presentation. Invited Presentation. Technical University of Delft. The Netherlands. |
Fisher, Erik. June 9, 2014. "STIR Overview." Presentation. Academic Presentation. Communities of Integration 2nd Annual Meeting. University of Waterloo. Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. |
Fisher, Erik and Genevieve Maricle. 2014. "Higher-level Responsiveness? Socio-Technical Integration within U.S. and U.K. Nanotechnology Research Priority Setting." Science and Public Policy. |
Fisher, Erik and Michael O'Rourke. June 9, 2014. "Mapping Socio-Technical Integration." Presentation. Academic Presentation. University of Waterloo. Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. |
Gjefsen, Mads Dahl and Erik Fisher. 2014. "From Ethnography to Engagement: The Lab as a Site of Intervention." Science as Culture. 23(3):419-431. |
Ellwood, Paul, Erik Fisher and Krsto Panzda. 2013. "Organizational Life Cycles for Responsible Innovation." Emerging Technologies: Socio-Behavioral Life Cycle Approaches, ed(s). Michael Gorman, Nora Savage and Anita Street, p. 117-138. Singapore: Pan Stanford. |
Fisher, Erik and Schuurbiers, Daan. 2013. "Midstream Modulation." Opening up the Laboratory: Approaches for Early Engagement with New Technology, ed(s). Doorn, N., Schuurbiers, D., van de Poel, I. and Gorman, M. E., p. 97-110. Wiley-Blackwell. |
Fisher, Erik. June 24-27, 2013. "Probing Capacities for Socio-Technical Integration." Presentation. Communities of Integration Track. 4th Annual International Science for Team Science Conference. Northwestern University. Evanston, IL. |
Fisher, Erik. December 16, 2013. "Socio-Technical Collaboration in Science: Building Capacities for Responsible Innovation." Presentation. International Symposium for Responsible Research and Innovation. Osaka University. Japan. |
Fisher, Erik, Shannon Conley and Cameron Keys. September 8-11, 2013. "Socio-Technical Integration Research: Around the world in 30 labs." Presentation. Digital Poster. 1st Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation. Australia National University. Canberra, Australia. |
Fisher, Erik and Eric Kennedy. September 8-11, 2013. "Communities of Practice: Sociotechnical Integration (CoPSI)." Presentation. Digital Poster. 1st Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation. Australia National University. Canberra, Australia. |
Fisher, Erik and Arie Rip. 2013. "Responsible Innovation: Multi-Level Dynamics and Soft Interventions." Responsible Innovation, ed(s). R. Owen, M. Heintz and J. Bessant, p. 165-183. Chichester, UK: Wiley. |
Fisher, Erik and Daan Schuurbiers. 2013. "Socio-technical Integration Research: Collaborative Inquiry at the Midstream of Research and Development." Opening up the Laboratory: Approaches for Early Engagement with New Technology, ed(s). I. van de Poel, M.E. Gorman, N. Doorn and D. Schuurbiers, 16:97-110. Wiley-Blackwell. |
Flipse, Steven M. 2013. "Enhancing Socially Responsible Innovation in Industry: Practical Use for Considerations of Social and Ethical Aspects of Industrial Life Science & Technology." Doctoral Dissertation. Technical University of Delft. Delft, The Netherlands. |
Gorman, Michael, Antonio Calleja-Lopez, Shanon Conley and Farzad Mahootian. 2013. "Integrating Ethicists and Social Scientists into Cutting Edge Research and Technological Development." Early Engagement and New Technologies: Opening up the Laboratory, ed(s). I. van de Poel, N. Doorn, D. Schuurbiers and M. E. Gorman, 16:157-173. Wiley-Blackwell. |
Owen, Richard, Jack Stilgoe, Phil Macnaghten, Erik Fisher, Michael Gorman and David H. Guston". 2013. "A Framework for Responsible Innovation." Responsible Innovation: Concepts and Practice, ed(s). R. Owen, J. Bessant and M. Heintz, p. 27-50. Chichester, UK: Wiley. |
Panzda, Krsto and Paul Ellwood. 2013. "Strategic and Ethical Foundations for Responsible Innovation." Research Policy. 42(5):1112-1125. doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2013.02.007 |