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Tang, Li. October 2007. "Networks of Research Collaboration in China: Evidence from Nanotechnology Publication Activities, 1990-2006." Presentation. Atlanta Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy. Atlanta, GA. |
Tang, Li. October 2007. "New Argonauts & Scientific Networks: Evidence from Chinas Nanotech Publication." Presentation. Atlanta Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy. Atlanta, GA. |
Thorpe, Michael and Eric Ramsey. April 20, 2007. "Could a Computer Become Sentient? Reductionism and Emergence in Science." Presentation. CNS-ASU Science Café. Arizona Science Center. Phoenix, AZ. |
Valdivia, Walter. March 2007. "Anticipatory Governance of Emerging Technologies." Presentation. Science-Society Interface at Universite de Lausanne. Lausanne, Switzerland. |
Valdivia, Walter. October 2007. "Non-Cooperative Games in Science Policy." Presentation. Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy. Atlanta, GA. |
Wang, Jue. September 2007. "From Lab to Market: Strategies and Issues in the Commercialization of Nanotechnology in China." Presentation. Conference on the Dragon and the Elephant: Understand the Development of Innovation Capacity in China and India. National Academy of Science. Washington, DC. |
Wetmore, Jameson. December 2007. "Amish Technology." Presentation. Spirit of the Senses Salon. Phoenix, AZ. |
Wetmore, Jameson. November 2007. "ASB 591: Seminar on Professionalism, on the Academic job search." Presentation. Seminar on Professionalism. |
Wetmore, Jameson. October 2007. "Building a Better Air Bag: the Continuing Search for a Technical Fix." Presentation. Mobility History, Heritage and Design Fifth Annual Conference on History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M). Helmond, The Netherlands. |
Wetmore, Jameson. September 2007. "Bureaucrats, Lobbyists, and Regulators, Oh My! Introducing Graduate Students to Science Outside the Lab." Presentation. Enlightening Lunch. Center for Science, Policy and Outcomes. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Wetmore, Jameson. August 2007. "Cats Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut." Presentation. Spirit of the Senses Salon. Scottsdale, AZ. |
Wetmore, Jameson. February 2007. "Nanotech and Religion: Ambitions, Influence, and Policy." Presentation. Center for Nanotechnology in Society. University of California-Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara, CA. |
Wetmore, Jameson. March 2007. "STS in the Trenches: Engaging Scientists and Engineers." Presentation. STS Engaged Workshop. Department of Science, Technology and Society. University of Virginia. Charlottesville, CA. |
Wetmore, Jameson. June 2007. "Teaching the Ethics and Social Implications of Emerging Technologies to Graduate Level Students." Presentation. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Honolulu, HI. |
Wetmore, Jameson. March 2007. "Transferring Western Technology to Developing Countries: Good Intentions, Unexpected Outcomes." Presentation. CNS-ASU Science Café. Arizona Science Center. Phoenix, AZ. |
Youtie, Jan. October 2007. "Nanodistricts in the United States: Metropolitan Trajectories and Clustering." Presentation. Atlanta Conference on Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy. Atlanta, GA. |
Youtie, Jan. November 2007. "Nanotechnology Workshop: Definitions, Directions, Debate." Presentation. National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers. Atlanta, GA. |
Bennett, Ira. 2006. "Emerging Technologies." Presentation. Spirit of the Senses Salon. Phoenix, AZ. |
Corley, Elizabeth A. and Dietram A. Scheufele. November 2006. "Factors Impacting Public Support of Federal Funding for Nanotechnology." Presentation. 28th Annual Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Research Conference. Madison, WI. |
Fisher, Erik. November 20, 2006. "Current Societal Considerations in Nanotechnology." Presentation. Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies. Los Alamos National Laboratory. Los Alamos, NM. |
Fisher, Erik. August 2006. "From Upstream Engagement to Midstream Modulation: Shaping Technology from Within." Presentation. Gordon Research Conference on Science and Technology Policy. Big Sky, MT. |
Fisher, Erik. May 2006. "Midstream Modulation of Technological Trajectories." Presentation. Trading Zones and Interactional Expertise Workshop. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Fisher, Erik. July 2006. "Midstream Modulation: U.S. Federal Nanotechnology Policy Implementation." Presentation. TA NanoNed Day. Utrecht University. The Netherlands. |
Fisher, Erik. November 2006. "Reflecting on the Shape of Nanotechnology Research from Within." Presentation. Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Vancouver, Canada. |
Fisher, Erik. September 2006. "Socratic Engagement of Nanotechnology: A Case Study in Ethics Policy." Presentation. Department of Philosophy and Religion Studies. University of North Texas. Denton, TX. |