July 16, 2014 |
Bassetti Organization
The Bassetti Foundation provides brief descriptions of VIRI's five new members on its blog.
June 5, 2014 |
Making Science Public Blog
The University of Nottingham's Bridging the Gaps programme has launched a new project to investigate the institution's approach to responsible research and innovation (RRI).
June 5, 2014 |
Sujatha Raman, deputy director of the Leverhulme Making Science Public Research Programme
at the Institute for Science and Society (ISS), University of Nottingham, has published a policy paper that addresses two key questions surrounding research policy: What kind of research should be supported by government? And, can research be responsive to public needs and priorities? -
May 21, 2014 |
Tsjalling Swierstra, professor of philosophy at Maastricht University (Netherlands), gave the keynote address at the Third International Conference on Responsible Innovation in The Hague, Netherlands. His lecture covered the typical aspects of responsible innovation research, what separates it from market research, and what makes it necessary now.
View here. -
May 1, 2014 |
The report cites the work of Erik Fisher, associate editor for the Journal of Responsible Innovation and principal investigator for the Socio-Technical Integration Research [STIR] Project. Quotes from his testimony to the commission are on page 15.
April 29, 2014 |
Innovation Excellence
David Guston shares how the Journal of Responsible Innovation was conceived and what his aims are for its future.
April 15, 2014 |
Newswise, a science newswire service for journalists, has published the press release announcing the launch of JRI.
April 8, 2014 |
While the need for responsible research is becoming more widely accepted, scientists still disagree on what "social responsibility in science" actually means. One study analyzed more than 250 scientific journal articles covering responsibility in research, the results of which were published in the first issue of JRI. Opinions range from one extreme that scientists should be left alone to do their work free of bias to the other extreme that research should be completely transparent and open to the public.
April 1, 2014 |
Innovation Excellence
Innovation Excellence has published Jonny Hankins' review of the inaugural issue of the Journal of Responsible Innovation. His review guides readers through the issue with a brief summary of and commentary on each article.
March 26, 2014 |
The Bassetti Foundation blog
Hankins provides a brief summary of and response to each article in the inaugural issue of the Journal of Responsible Innovation.
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