Jonny Hankins of the Bassetti Foundation posted a blog about the first annual meeting of the Virtual Institute for Responsible Innovation (VIRI), held 14 – 16 July, 2015, in Sussex, UK.
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Oslo and Akershus University College (HiOA)
The Oslo Research Group on Responsible Innovation believes that society should be a driver for innovation, and not only a passive recipient. We believe that technological innovation must be carried out in dialog with key users, stakeholders, affected parties and the society at large--from the start of the innovation processes (e.g. setting research priorities) until the products are commercialized and needs regulation or other governance measures. We believe that democracy is an important foundation for all aspects of innovation, including patent issues, standardization issues and international trade policies. This is a crucial condition for ensuring that technology development and innovation indeed is responsible. However, we are aware of the weaknesses of how democratic governance is carried out in practice, and of the need for continuous development of better governance processes. Responsible innovation necessitates the concerted efforts from a wide range of disciplines and perspectives, including the natural sciences, the social sciences, the humanities, and lay people. The Oslo Research Group on Responsible Innovation aims to contribute to responsible innovation by engaging in research and development projects with clear sustainability and democratic objectives.
VIRI Associate Director Ellen-Marie Forsberg is a senior researcher in the Oslo Research Group on Responsible Innovation.
Selected RRI Publications
Forsberg, Ellen-Marie. 2014. "Institutionalising ELSA in the Moment of Breakdown?" Life Sciences, Society, and Policy 10 (1). doi:10.1186/2195-7819-10-1
Forsberg, Ellen-Marie, Erik Thorstensen, Rasmus Øjvind Nielsen, and Erik de Bakker. 2014. "Assessments of Emerging Science and Technologies: Mapping the Landscape." Science and Public Policy 41 (3): 306-316. doi:10.1093/scipol/scu033
Forsberg, Ellen-Marie and Carolien de Lauwere. 2013. "Integration Needs in Assessments of Nanotechnology in Food and Agriculture." In Etikk i Praksis. Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 7 (1): 38-54.
Forsberg, Ellen-Marie. 2012. "Standardisation in the Field of Nanotechnology: Some Issues of Legitimacy." Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (4): 719-739.
Van Doren, Davy, Ellen-Marie Forsberg, and Ralf Lindner. 2014. "Are Assessments Responding to a Dynamic Environment? Evidence from Four Emerging Techno-Scientific Domains." Science and Public Policy 41 (3): 317-331. doi:10.1093/scipol/scu032
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