VIRI partners Phil Macnaghten (University of Durham, UK) and Marko Monteiro (UNICAMP, Brazil) recently joined Ira Bennett's graduate-level Responsible Research and Innovation class by video.
Department of Science and Technology Policy
The Department of Science and Technology Policy at UNICAMP is Brazil´s foremost center for intellectual debate on science and technology policy, social studies of science, and innovation studies. The department is composed of a multidisciplinary group of professors and graduate students who have advanced thinking on innovation policies and management; social and appropriate technologies; and the historical, social, and cultural dynamics of science and technology. The department has played a leading role in debates concerning crucial areas for innovation in Brazil, such as energy and petroleum, and has a long tradition of discussing the role of innovation in social inclusion, economic development, and the environment.
VIRI Associate Director Marko Monteiro is a professor in the Department of Science and Technology Policy at UNICAMP.
Selected RRI Publications
Macnaghten, Phil, Richard Owen, Jack Stilgoe, B. Wynne, A. Azevedo, A. de Campos, J. Chilvers, R. Dagnino, G. di Giulio, Emma Frow, B. Garvey, C. Groves, Sarah Hartley, M. Knobel, E. Kobayashi, M. Lehtonnen, J. Lezaun, L. Mello, Marko Monteiro, et al. 2014. "Responsible Innovation Across Borders: Tensions, Paradoxes and Possibilities. Journal of Responsible Innovation 1 (2), 1-12.
Monteiro, Marko, Cristina de Campos, and Rafael de Brito Dias, eds. 2014. Novos Horizontes em Política Científica e Tecnológica (New Horizons in Science and Technology Policy). Santo André: Universidade Federal do ABC.
Marinho, Maria Gabriela S. M. C., Sergio Amadeu da Silveira, Marko Monteiro, Rafael de Brito Dias, and Cristina de Campos, eds. 2014. Abordagens em ciência, tecnologia e sociedade (Approaches in science, technology and society). Santo André: Universidade Federal do ABC.
Monteiro, Marko. 2012. Reconsiderando a Etnografia da Ciência e da Tecnologia: Tecnociência na Prática. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais 27 (79): 139-151. 10.1590/S0102-69092012000200009
Monteiro, Marko and Elizabeth Keating. 2009. Managing Misunderstandings: The Role of Language in Interdisciplinary Scientific Collaboration. Science Communication 31 (1): 6-28.
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