VIRI Membership Application

This form is available for those wishing to apply for VIRI institutional membership. Any original VIRI member may sponsor an application for new membership. If you have been solicited to apply for membership by a founding VIRI partner, please provide the information requested below. Thank you.

Please provide a one paragraph description of the organization, including its role in responsible innovation and the role of the VIRI leader.
Please provide complete bibliographic information for up to five publications relevant to VIRI authored by the VIRI leader and/or the organization (with links to electronic versions if available).
Please upload a cover letter, up to one page, requesting membership and describing interest and activities in responsible innovation, including reference to the amount and kind of resources at the applicant institution that VIRI would leverage (e.g., RI related grants/contracts of this size/duration; ability to host visiting students/scholars; etc.). All new members are required to submit a cover letter.
Please provide any other material that may be relevant to the application for membership (e.g., CVs, syllabi, etc.)


Submit your manuscript to the Journal of Responsible Innovation

VIRI is supported by the National Science Foundation under collective agreement #1257246.

VIRI is housed at the Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University.