January 23, 2015
CNS-ASU Director David Guston was interviewed by the Washington Post and National Public Radio's
January 23, 2015
Like most groups of people, engineers and pageant participants endure their share of stereotypes. Arizona Sate University graduate student and CNS Fellow Kaitlin Vortherms is challenging stereotypes among both groups.
January 21, 2015
A panel of researchers from Arizona State University’s Frankenstein Bicentennial Project will deliver public lectures as part of “It’s Alive!: Frankenstein on Film...
January 12, 2015
The third annual CNS Winter School was held January 3 – 11 at the Saguaro Lake Guest Ranch. Students representing seven countries and four continents came together for a simultaneously challenging and relaxing week. The program, which is run by CNS’s Ira Bennett and former CNS post doc Rider Foley (now at the University of Virginia), included faculty from seven different institutions and aimed to provide a wide range of perspectives, expertise, methods, and theories related to the anticipatory governance of emerging technologies.
October 20, 2014
To figure out ways to anticipate multiple and varied futures with emerging technologies, ASU researchers are conducting research on photovoltaic cells, a rapidly emerging technology used in solar panels to convert sunlight into electrical energy.
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