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Wetmore, Jameson. December 9, 2009. "Best Practices of NSEC's and MRSEC's for Advancing NSE Education-Diversity Aspects." Presentation. 2009 NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Grantees Conference. Arlington, VA.
Wetmore, Jameson. June 15, 2009. "Integrating Microethics and Macroethics in Graduate Science and Engineering Education: Developing Instructional Models." Presentation. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Austin, TX.
Wetmore, Jameson. July 8, 2009. "Nanotechnology and Society." Presentation. Arizona Science Center's Junior Science Correspondents Program. Phoenix, AZ.
Wetmore, Jameson. December 9, 2009. "Overview of CNS-ASU with David H. Guston." Presentation. 2009 NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Grantees Conference. Arlington, VA.
Wetmore, Jameson. November 8, 2009. "Technology and the City." Presentation. On the Cutting Edge...Today's Jewish Women Symposium. Scottsdale, AZ.
Wetmore, Jameson. June 16, 2009. "What Should Everyone Know about Technology." Presentation. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference. Austin, TX.
Wetmore, Jameson, Shobita Parthasarathy and Regula Valerie Burri. October 30, 2009. "The New Sentinels of Progress? Investigating Emerging Approaches to Governing Technology." Presentation. Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Washington, DC.
White, Dave and Troy M. Benn. May 15, 2009. "To Drink or Not to Drink: What Should We Do to Have Good-Tasting, Safe and Sustainable Water into the Future." Presentation. CNS-ASU Science Café. Arizona Science Center. Phoenix, AZ.
Wiek, Arnim and Cynthia Selin. 2009. "The Future of Phoenix - Crafting Sustainable Development Strategies for Phoenix." Presentation. School of Sustainability. Arizona State University.
Youtie, Jan. December 2009. "Anticipating Developments in Nanotechnology Commercialization." Presentation. NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Grantees Conference. Arlington, VA.
Youtie, Jan. January 2009. "Center for Nanotechnology in Society." Presentation. Biotechnology and Public Forum. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA.
Youtie, Jan. August 2009. "Center for Nanotechnology in Society." Presentation. Presentation to the President, Dr. G.P. (Bud) Peterson. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA.
Youtie, Jan. August 2009. "Understanding and Stimulating Highly Creative Research: Measurement and Analysis - U.S. and Europe." Presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA.
Youtie, Jan and Alan L. Porter. October 2009. "Conducting Research on Emerging Innovation Systems through Bibliometric Analysis." Presentation. Pre-conference Workshop: Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (S.NET). Seattle, WA.
Youtie, Jan and Alan L. Porter. October 2009. "Datamining Researcher Recognition of Nanotechnology Risk." Presentation. 2nd Manchester International Workshop on Nanotechnology, Society and Policy. Manchester, UK.
Youtie, Jan, Philip Shapira, Thomas Heinze and Juan D. Rogers. October 2009. "Highly Creative Research: How it is defined and Organized." Presentation. Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy. Atlanta, GA.
Youtie, Jan, Philip Shapira and Juan D. Rogers. October 2009. "Blind Matching Versus Matchmaking: Comparison Group Selection for Highly Creative Researchers." Presentation. Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy. Atlanta, GA.
Benn, Troy M., Jameson Wetmore and Ira Bennett. July 2008. "Nanosilver from Socks into Wastewater." Presentation. Triple Play Days. Arizona Science Center. Phoenix, AZ.
Cobb, Michael D. and Patrick Hamlett. June 27, 2008. "The First National Citizens Technology Forum on Converging Technologies and Human Enhancement: Adapting the Danish Consensus Conference in the USA." Presentation. Tenth International Conference on Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST-10). Malmo, Sweden.
Conley, Shannon. November 2008. "Regulating Life: The Regulation of Assisted Reproduction in Canada and the UK." Presentation. Center for the Study of Institutional Diversity Weekly Seminar Series. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ.
Corley, Elizabeth A. 2008. "Scientist and the Public Risk Perceptions about Nanotechnology." Presentation. Societal Implications of Nanotechnology Principal Investigators Meeting. National Science Foundation. Arlington, VA.
Corley, Elizabeth A. April 2008. "Scientists and the Public: Comparing Views on Nanotechnology Risks and Regulations." Presentation. Enlightening Lunch. Center for Science, Policy and Outcomes. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ.
Corley, Elizabeth A. July 2008. "Societal Dimensions of Nanotechnology: An Exploration of Public and Scientist Perceptions." Presentation. Young Scientists Nanotechnology Workshop. French Embassy. Washington, DC.
Corley, Elizabeth A. and Dietram A. Scheufele. February 2008. "A Comparative Look at Markets, Media, and Emerging Attitudes about Nanotechnology." Presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Boston, MA.
Corley, Elizabeth A., Dietram A. Scheufele and Qian Hu. November 2008. "Exploring Public and Scientist Attitudes About the Risks and Regulation of Nanotechnology Research: What Does the Future Hold for Policy-Making." Presentation. Annual Convention of the Association for Policy Analysis and Management. Los Angeles, CA.
