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Schuurbiers, Daan. 2010. "Social Responsibility in Research Practice - Engaging applied scientists with the socio-ethical context of their work." Simon Stevin Series in Ethics of Technology, 6. Technical University of Delft. |
Smith, Ruud, Rutger van Merkerk, David H. Guston and Daniel Sarewitz. 2010. "The Role of Technology Assessment in Systemic Innovation Policy." The Theory and Practice of Innovation Policy, ed(s). Ruud E. Smits, Stefan Kuhlmann and Philip Shapira, p. 387-416. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. |
van der Leeuw, Sander. 2010. "The Archaeology of Innovation: Lessons for our Times." Innovation: Perspectives for the 21st Century, ed(s). Frank Moss and Todd and et al Machover, p. 33-56. Madrid, Spain: BBVA. |
Fisher, Erik. 2009. "Legislative and Regulatory Framework." Nanotechnology and FDA-Regulated Products: The Essential Guide, Washington, DC: Food and Drug Law Library. |
Fisher, Erik and Clark A. Miller. 2009. "Contextualizing the Engineering Laboratory." Engineering in Context, ed(s). S.H. Christensen, M. Meganck and B. Delahousse, p. 369-381. Palo Alto, CA: Academica Press. |
Gallo, Jason. 2009. "Doing Archival Research: How to Find a Needle in a Haystack." Research Confidential: Solutions to Problems Most Social Scientists Pretend They Never Have, ed(s). E. Hargittai, p. 262-286. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. |
Miller, Clark A. 2009. "NSE and Society." The Big Ideas of Nanoscale Science and Engineering: A Guidebook for Secondary Teachers, ed(s). Shawn Y. Stevens, LeeAnn Sutherland and Joseph S. Krajcik, p. 65-72. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association Press. |
Miller, Clark A. 2009. "Science, Technology, and Society." The Big Ideas of Nanoscale Science and Engineering: A Guidebook for Secondary Teachers, ed(s). Shawn Y. Stevens, LeeAnn Sutherland and Joseph S. Krajcik, p. 160-170. National Science Teachers Association Press. |
Robert, Jason S. 2009. "Nanoscience, Nanoscientists, and Controversy." Nanotechnology and Society: Current and Emerging Ethical Issues, ed(s). F. Allhoff and P. Lin, p. 225-239. New York: Springer. |
Barben, Daniel, Erik Fisher, Cynthia Selin and David H. Guston. 2008. "Anticipatory Governance of Nanotechnology: Foresight, Engagement, and Integration." The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Third Edition, ed(s). Edward J. Hackett, Olga Amsterdamska, Michael Lynch and Judy Wajcman, p. 979-1000. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. |
Bennett, Ira. 2008. "Developing Plausible Nano-Enabled Products." Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume I: Presenting Futures, ed(s). Erik Fisher, Cynthia Selin and Jameson Wetmore, p. 149-156. New York: Springer. |
Hogle, Linda F. 2008. "Emerging Medical Technologies." The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Third Edition, ed(s). Edward J. Hackett, Olga Amsterdamska, Michael Lynch and Judy Wajcman, p. 841-874. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. |
Johnson, Deborah G. and Jameson Wetmore. 2008. "STS and Ethics: Implications for Engineering Ethics." The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Third Edition, ed(s). Edward J. Hackett, Olga Amsterdamska, Michael Lynch and Judy Wajcman, p. 567-582. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. |
Sarewitz, Daniel and David H. Guston. 2008. "Commentary: Public Engagement as Scientific Responsibility." Nanotechnology: Ethics and Society, ed(s). Deb Bennett-Woods, p. 32-35. New York: CRC Press. |
Wolbring, Gregor. 2008. "The Unenhanced Underclass." Building Everyday Democracy, ed(s). P. Miller and J. Wilsdon, p. 122-128. London: Demos. |
Fisher, Erik. 2007. "The Convergence of Nanotechnology, Policy, and Ethics." Advances in Computers 71: Nanotechnology, ed(s). M. Zelkowitz, p. 274-296. London: Academic Press. |
Guston, David H. 2007. "The Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University and the Prospects for Anticipatory Governance." Nanoscale: Issues and Perspectives for the Nano Century, ed(s). N. Cameron and M.E. Mitchell, p. 377-392. New York: John Wiley and Sons. |
Guston, David H. 2007. "Toward Centres for Responsible Innovation in the Commercialized University." Public Science in Liberal Democracy: The Challenge to Science and Democracy, ed(s). P.W.B. Phillips and J. Porter, p. 295-312. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press. |
Guston, David H., John Parsi and Justin Tosi. 2007. "Anticipating the Political and Ethical Challenges of Human Nanotechnologies." Nanoethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology, ed(s). Fritz Allhoff, Patrick Lin, James Moor and John Weckert, p. 185-197. New York: John Wiley and Sons. |
Marchant, Gary E., Douglas J. Sylvester and Kenneth W. Abbott. 2007. "Nanotechnology Regulation: The United States Approach." New Global Frontiers in Regulation: The Age of Nanotechnology, ed(s). Graeme A. Hodge, Diana M. Bowman and Karinne Ludlow, p. 189-211. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. |
Miller, Clark A. and Sarah K. Pfatteicher. 2007. "Nanotechnology in Society Education: Cultivating the Mental Habits of Social Engineers and Critical Citizens." Nanoscale Science and Engineering Education, ed(s). Aldrin E. Sweeney and Sudipta Seal, p. 567-576. Stevenson Ranch, CA: American Scientific Publishers. |
Selin, Cynthia. 2007. "Professional Dreamers: The Past in the Future of Scenario Planning." Scenarios for Success: Turning Insight into Action, ed(s). Bill Sharpe and Kees van der Heijden, p. 27-52. London, UK: John Wiley and Sons. |
Scheufele, Dietram A. 2006. "Messages and Heuristics: How Audiences Form Attitudes About Emerging Technologies." Engaging Science: Thoughts, Deeds, Analysis and Action, ed(s). J. Turney, p. 20-25. London, UK: The Wellcome Trust. |
Wicksen, Fern, Michael D. Cobb and Patrick Hamlett. In review. "Review of deliberative processes: National Citizens Technology Forum - USA." Democratisation of Science and Technology Development: Deliberative Processes in the Development of Nanotechnologies, ed(s). S. Pal, G. Scholl and S. Eivind, Singapore: Pan Stanford Publishing. |
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