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Keiper, Adam. 2013. "The Age of Neuroelectronics." Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume III: Nanotechnology, the Brain, and the Future, ed(s). Sean A. Hays, Jason S. Robert, Clark A. Miller and Ira Bennett, p. 115-146. New York: Springer. |
Loosemore, Richard P.W. 2013. "The Complex Cognitive Systems Manifesto." Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume III: Nanotechnology, the Brain, and the Future, ed(s). Sean A. Hays, Jason S. Robert, Clark A. Miller and Ira Bennett, p. 195-217. New York: Springer. |
Milford, Richard and Jameson Wetmore. 2013. "A New Model for Public Engagement: The Dialogue on Nanotechnology and Religion." Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume III: Nanotechnology, the Brain, and the Future, ed(s). Sean A. Hays, Jason S. Robert, Clark A. Miller and Ira Bennett, p. 97-111. New York: Springer. |
Milleson, Valerye. 2013. "Nanotechnology, the Brain, and the Futures: Ethical Considerations." Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume III: Nanotechnology, the Brain, and the Future, ed(s). Sean A. Hays, Jason S. Robert, Clark A. Miller and Ira Bennett, p. 79-96. New York: Springer. |
Naufel, Stephanie. 2013. "Nanotechnology, the Brain, and Personal Identity." Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume III: Nanotechnology, the Brain, and the Future, ed(s). Sean A. Hays, Jason S. Robert, Clark A. Miller and Ira Bennett, p. 167-178. New York: Springer. |
Nulle, Christina, Clark A. Miller, Alan L. Porter and Harmeet Singh Gandhi. 2013. "Applications of Nanotechnology to the Brain and Central Nervous System." Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume III: Nanotechnology, the Brain, and the Future, ed(s). Sean A. Hays, Jason S. Robert, Clark A. Miller and Ira Bennett, p. 21-41. New York: Springer. |
Owen, Richard, Jack Stilgoe, Phil Macnaghten, Erik Fisher, Michael Gorman and David H. Guston". 2013. "A Framework for Responsible Innovation." Responsible Innovation: Concepts and Practice, ed(s). R. Owen, J. Bessant and M. Heintz, p. 27-50. Chichester, UK: Wiley. |
Robert, Jason S., Clark A. Miller and Valerye Milleson. 2013. "Introduction: Ethics and Anticipatory Governance of Nano-Neurotechnological Convergence." Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume III: Nanotechnology, the Brain, and the Future, ed(s). Sean A. Hays, Jason S. Robert, Clark A. Miller and Ira Bennett, p. 1-17. New York: Springer. |
Silverman, Arielle. 2013. "Healing the blind: Perspectives of Blind Persons on Methods to Restore Sight." Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume III: Nanotechnology, the Brain, and the Future, ed(s). Sean A. Hays, Jason S. Robert, Clark A. Miller and Ira Bennett, p. 159-166. New York: Springer. |
Anderson, Ashley A., Dominique E. Brossard, Dietram A. Scheufele and Michael A. Xenos. 2012. "Online Talk: How Exposure to Disagreement in Online Comments Affects Beliefs in the Promise of Controversial Science." Citizen Voices: Performing Pubic Participation in Science and Environments Communication, ed(s). Louise Phillips, Anabela Carvalho and Julie Doyle, p. 119-135. Chicago, IL: Intellect. |
Boardman, Craig, Catherine Slade and Barry Bozeman. 2012. "A Retrospective of the U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI): Lessons Learned for Coordination of Federal Scientific and Technical Work at the Nanoscale." Making it to the Forefront: Nanotechnology-A Developing Country Perspective, ed(s). N. A. Duda, p. 139-160. New York: Springer. |
Cobb, Michael D. 2012. "Deliberative Fears: Citizen Deliberation about Science in a National Technology Forum." Public Engagement and Emerging Technologies, ed(s). Kieran O'Doherty and Edna Einsiedel, p. 115-132. Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia Press. |
Cobb, Michael D. 2012. "Lessons Learned from the First National Citizens' Technology Conference." Nanotechnology and the Public: Risk Perception and Risk Communication, ed(s). Susanna Hornig Priest, p. 93-103. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. |
Cortes Lobos, Rodrigo. 2012. "Nanotecnologa en Chile, Qu tan preparado se encuentra el pas para desarrollar esta disciplina." Perspectivas sobre el desarrollo de las nanotecnologas en America Latina, ed(s). Guillermo Foladori, Edgar Zayago Lau and Noela Invernizzi, p. 85-101. Mexico City, Mexico: Miguel Angel Porrua. |
Cozzens, Susan. 2012. "The Distinctive Dynamics of Nanotechnology in Developing Nations." Making it to the Forefront: Nanotechnology-A Developing Country Perspective, ed(s). N. A. Duda, p. 125-138. New York: Springer. |
Fisher, Erik and David Beltran-del-Rio. 2012. "Mathematics and Root Interdisciplinarity." Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity, ed(s). Robert Frodeman, Julie Thompson Klein and Carl Mitcham, p. 88. New York: Oxford University Press. |
Guo, Ying, Tingting Ma and Alan L. Porter. 2012. "Innovation Risk Path Assessing for a Newly Emerging Science and Technology: Illustrated for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells." Disruptive Technologies, Innovation and Global Redesign: Emerging Implications, ed(s). Ndubuisi Ekekwe and Nazrul Islam, p. 12-26. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. |
Harsh, Matthew. 2012. "Informal Governance of Emerging Technologies: Non-Governmental Organizations and Nanotechnology in Africa." International Handbook on Informal Governance, ed(s). Thomas Christiansen and Christine Neuhold, p. 481-500. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. |
Nydal, Rune, Stacey Efstathiou and Astrid Laegreid. 2012. "Crossover Research: Exploring a Collaborative Mode of Integration." Little By Little: Expansions of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies, ed(s). H. van Lente, C. Coenen, T. Fleischer, K. Konrad, L. Krabbenborg, C. Milburn, et al, p. 181-194, part 14. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS Press. |
Randles, Sally, Jan Youtie, David H. Guston, Barbara Harthorn, Chris Newfield, Philip Shapira and et al. 2012. "A Trans-Atlantic Conversation on Responsible Innovation and Responsible Governance." Little by Little: Expansions of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies, ed(s). H. Van Lente, C. Coenen, T. Fleischer and K. Konrad, p. 169-180. Heidelberg: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft. |
Rodriguez, Hannot, Hu Mingyan and Erik Fisher. 2012. "Socio-Technical Integration in International Research Policy: The situation in the European Union, the United States, and China." Engineering and Development in American, Chinese and European Contexts, ed(s). S. Christensen, C. Mitcham, B. Li and Y. An, p. 291-304. Dordrecht, Germany: Springer. |
Subramanian, Vrishali, Thomas Woodson and Susan Cozzens. 2012. "Nanotechnology in India: Inferring Links between Emerging Technologies and Development." Making it to the Forefront: Nanotechnology-A Developing Country Perspective, ed(s). N. A. Duda, p. 109-124. New York: Springer. |
Subramanian, Vrishali, Thomas Woodson and Susan Cozzens. 2012. "Nanotechnology in India: Inferring Linking between Emerging Technologies and Development." Making it to the Forefront of Nanotechnology- A Developing Country Perspective, |
Wetmore, Jameson. 2012. "Aider les Scientifiques et le Public a Reflechir aux Implications d'Ensemble des Nanotechnologies (Etats-Unis)." La Science et le Debat Public, ed(s). Institute des Hautes Etudes pour la Science et la Technologie, p. 279-293. Paris, France: Actes Sud. |
Youtie, Jan, Alan L. Porter, Kevin Boyack, Jose Lobo, Richard Klavans, Ismael Rafols, et al. 2012. "Using Large-scale Databases to Understand the Trajectories of Emerging Technologies." Little by Little: Expansions of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies, ed(s). H. Van Lente, C. Coenen, T. Fleischer, K. Konrad, et al, p. 55-58. Heidelberg: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft. |