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Guston, David H. February 21, 2011. "Are We Alone - Nano Nano." SETI Radio. |
Guston, David H. December 5, 2011. "Michael Crichtons Last Stand." Slate. |
Guston, David H. 2011. "Participating Despite Questions: Toward a More Confident Participatory Technology Assessment." Science and Engineering Ethics. 17(4):691-697. doi: 10.1007/s11948-011-9314-y |
Laurent, Brice. December 2011. "Technologies of Democracy: Experiments and Demonstrations." Science and Engineering Ethics. 17(4):649-666. doi: 10.1007/s11948-011-9303-1 |
Leech, Beth. 2011. "Nano-solutions or Macro-problems? A Public Values Analysis of the Application of Nanotechnology to Water Purification." American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) 2011 Congress Proceedings. doi: 10.1115/IMECE2011-62897 |
Martins, Paulo and David H. Guston. May 3, 2011. "Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University." Renanosomo Brazilian Research Network. |
Mellinger, Michelle. 2011. "Innovation Space and The Center for Nanotechnology in Society: Creating an Educational Energy Harvesting Playground." Undergraduate Thesis. Innovation Space. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Mohr, Alison. December 2011. "Publics in the Making: Mediating Different Methods of Engagement and the Publics These Construct Commentary on: Technologies of Democracy: Experiments and Demonstrations." Science and Engineering Ethics. 17(4):667-672. doi: 10.1007/s11948-011-9305-z |
Powell, Maria, Mathilde Colin, Daniel L. Kleinman, Jason A. Delborne and Ashley A. Anderson. 2011. "Imagining Ordinary Citizens? Conceptualized and Actual Participants for Deliberations on Emerging Technologies." Science as a Culture. 30(1):37-70. doi: 10.1080/09505430903567741 |
Powell, Maria, Jason A. Delborne and Mathilde Colin. 2011. "Beyond Engagement Exercises: Exploring the US National Citizens Technology Forum from the Bottom-Up." Journal of Public Deliberation. 7(1):article 4. doi: 10.1177/0963662513476403 |
Roco, Mihail C., Barbara Harthorn, David H. Guston and Philip Shapira. 2011. "Innovative and Responsible Governance of Nanotechnology for Societal Development." Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 13(9):3557-3590. |
Roco, Mihail C., Barbara Harthorn, David H. Guston and Philip Shapira. 2011. "Innovative and Responsible Governance of Nanotechnology for Societal Development." WTEC Panel Report on Nanotechnology Research Directions to 2020: Retrospective and Outlook, ed(s). Mihail C. Roco, Chad A. Mirkin and Mark C. Hersam, p. 441-488. New York: Springer. |
Sandler, Shane. 2011. "Nano-piezoelectrics for Energy Generation." Undergraduate Thesis. Innovation Space. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Sarewitz, Daniel and Erik Fisher. 2011. "New Tools for Science Policy." |
Selin, Cynthia. December 2011. "Climate of Uncertainty: Civic Scenarios for Decision Making." Presentation. New Tools for Science Policy. Center for Science, Policy and Outcomes. Arizona State University. Washington, DC. |
Selin, Cynthia. May 2011. "Diagnosing Futures: How Scenarios Support Reflexive Governance of Socio-Technical Systems." Presentation. Future Scenarios of Nanotechnology. School of Sustainability. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Selin, Cynthia. March 2011. "Diagnosing Futures: How Scenarios Support Reflexive Governance of Socio-Technical Systems." Presentation. School of Sustainability Brown Bag. School of Sustainability. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Selin, Cynthia. May 2011. "Futuring and Foresight in Nanotechnology." Presentation. Private Sector Engagement Workshop. Center for Nanotechnology in Society. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Selin, Cynthia. 2011. Gaming the Future.CNS-ASU Report #R11-0003 Center for Nanotechnology in Society. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Selin, Cynthia. December 2011. "Museums as Mediums for Engaging Citizens in Climate Change Adaptation Scenario Planning." Presentation. Dupont Summit 2011: Pressing Issues, Little Time. Washington, DC. |
Selin, Cynthia. 2011. "Negotiating Plausibility: Intervening in the Future of Nanotechnology." Science and Engineering Ethics. 17(4):723-737. doi: 10.1007/s11948-011-9315-x |
Selin, Cynthia. March 14, 2011. "Rethinking Urban Governance: Knitting together Foresight and Sustainability." Presentation. Resilience, Innovation and Sustainability: Navigating the Complexities of Global Change. Tempe, AZ. |
Selin, Cynthia. March 2011. "Scenaric Thinking and Earth Systems Engineering and Management: A Generative Dialogue." Presentation. CESEM Distinguished Lecture Series. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Selin, Cynthia. 2011. "Travails, Travels, and Trials: Report from the SNET Roundtable on Plausibility." Quantum Engagements: Social Reflections of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies, ed(s). Torben B. Zulsdorf, Christopher Coenen, Ulrich Fiedeler and et al, p. 235-240. Heidelberg, Germany: IOS Press. |
Selin, Cynthia. July 2011. "Urban Foresight: Rethinking Technology in Complex Systems." Presentation. Joint Research Centre, European Commission. Ispra, Italy. |