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Wolbring, Gregor. 2010. "Nanophotovoltaics." Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, ed(s). David H. Guston, p. 516-518. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. |
Wolbring, Gregor. 2010. "Zinc Oxide." Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, ed(s). David H. Guston, p. 801-802. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. |
Woodbury, Neal and David H. Guston. November 2, 2010. "Life Saver or Privacy Invasion? Identifying Disease before Symptoms." Presentation. Spirit of the Senses Salon. Tempe, AZ. |
Zhang, Jinglei. 2010. "Evolving Functional Peptides by mRNA Display." Doctoral Dissertation. Biochemistry. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Bennett, Ira. 2009. "Thinking Longer Term about Technologies: is there Value in Science Fiction-Inspired Appraoches to Constructing Futures." Presentation. Publics and Emerging Technologies. Banff, Canada. |
Brants, Tanner. 2009. "Undergraduate Honors Thesis." Undergraduate Thesis. Innovation Space. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Cobb, Michael D. March 2009. "Public Engagement: National Citizens Technology Forum." Presentation. Nanotechnology and the Public: Data for Decision Makers Briefing before the U.S. Congressional Nanotechnology Caucus. Washington, DC. |
Fernandez-Ribas, Andrea and Philip Shapira. 2009. "Technological Diversity, Scientific Excellence and the Location of Inventive Activities Abroad: The Case of Nanotechnology." Journal of Technology Transfer. 34(3):286-303. doi: 10.1007/s10961-008-9090-2 |
Gallo, Jason. 2009. "The Discursive and Operational Foundations of the National Nanotechnology Initiative in the History of the National Science Foundation." Perspectives on Science. 17(2):174-211. doi: 10.1162/posc.2009.17.2.174 |
Garcia-Mont, Aixa and David Conz. 2009. "Latinas/os in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics: Culture, Gender and Mentorship." Working Paper. |
Garreau, Joel. August 26, 2009. "The Future of Cities." CNS-ASU Occasional Speaker. |
Graham, Stuart and Maurizio Iacopetta. 2009. "Nanotechnology and the Emergence of a General Purpose Technology." Les Annales d'Economie et de Statistique. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.1334376 |
Guston, David H. 2009. "Deliberating Nanotechnology in the U.S." British Science Association's People & Science. p. 22. |
Guston, David H. March 20, 2009. "Nanotechnology and Public: Data for Decision Makers Briefing to the U.S. Congressional Nanotechnology Caucus." ASU President's Office Podcast. |
Guston, David H. December 2009. "Public Engagement at CNS-ASU: The National Citizens Technology Forum and Other Modes." Presentation. Institute for Hazard Risk Research. Durham University. Durham, UK. |
Guston, David H. March 2009. "Public Engagement: National Citizens' Technology Forum." Presentation. Nanotechnology and the Public: Data for Decision Makers Briefing before the U.S. Congressional Nanotechnology Caucus. Washington, DC. |
Guston, David H., Daniel Sarewitz and Clark A. Miller. January 30, 2009. "Correspondence: Scientists Not Immune to Partisanship." Science. 323:582. |
Heinze, Thomas, Philip Shapira, Juan D. Rogers and Jacqueline M. Senker. 2009. "Organizational and Institutional Influences on Creativity in Scientific Research." Research Policy. 38(4):610-623. doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2009.01.014 |
Kleinman, Daniel L., Jason A. Delborne and Ashley A. Anderson. 2009. "Engaging Citizens: The High Cost of Citizen Participation in High Technology." Public Understanding of Science. 1:1-20. doi: 10.1177/0963662509347137 |
Lappe, Jason. 2009. "Photoreactivation and Positive Cell Selection for the Directed Evolution of Proteins." Doctoral Dissertation. Chemistry and Biochemistry. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Lee, Caroline. 2009. "Innovation in Nanotechnology Services and Products: Strategic Marketing Plan." Undergraduate Thesis. Barrett Honors College. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Miller, Clark A. 2009. "NSE and Society." The Big Ideas of Nanoscale Science and Engineering: A Guidebook for Secondary Teachers, ed(s). Shawn Y. Stevens, LeeAnn Sutherland and Joseph S. Krajcik, p. 65-72. Arlington, VA: National Science Teachers Association Press. |
Miller, Clark A. 2009. "Science, Technology, and Society." The Big Ideas of Nanoscale Science and Engineering: A Guidebook for Secondary Teachers, ed(s). Shawn Y. Stevens, LeeAnn Sutherland and Joseph S. Krajcik, p. 160-170. National Science Teachers Association Press. |
Miller, Clark A. January 26, 2009. "Welcome to Real World Nano." Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network. |
Philbrick, Mark. 2009. "The National Citizens Technology Forum: Lessons for the Future." Presentation. Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Washington, DC. |