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Rogers, Juan D. October 2009. "Nanotechnology Research Centers: What Value do they add? What Values do they Operate on." Presentation. 2nd Manchester International Workshop on Nanotechnology, Society and Policy. Manchester, UK.
Shapira, Philip. July 2009. "Anticipating Nanotechnology: Applying Real-Time Technology Assessment to Develop Strategic Insights for Nanotechnology Research and Innovation." Presentation. Centre for Self Organising Molecular Systems (SOMS). University of Leeds. UK.
Shapira, Philip. March 2009. "Anticipating Nanotechnology: Real-Time Technology Assessment and the Center for Nanotechnology in Society." Presentation. Institute for Future Technology (IFTECH). Tokyo, Japan.
Shapira, Philip. March 2009. "Anticipating Nanotechnology: Real-Time Technology Assessment of Research and Innovation Systems." Presentation. School of Management and Economics, Knowledge Management and Data Analysis Laboratory. Beijing Institute of Technology. Beijing, China.
Shapira, Philip. March 2009. "Emergence of Distributed Technology Assessment in the USA: From OTA to the Center for Nanotechnology in Society." Presentation. International Workshop on Innovation and Institutionalization of TA. University of Tokyo. Tokyo, Japan.
Shapira, Philip. May 2009. "From Lab to Market: Pathways of Research Commercialization in Nanotechnology Firms in China." Presentation. Colloquium on Nanotechnology Innovation and Commercialization in China. Manchester, UK.
Shapira, Philip. May 2009. "State Models for Supporting Emerging Nanotechnology." Presentation. Workshop on Regional, State and Local Initiatives in Nanotechnology. National Nanotechnology Initiative. Oklahoma City, OK.
Shapira, Philip and Alan L. Porter. March 23, 2009. "Nanotechnology: Will it Drive a New Innovation Economy for the US." Presentation. Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Washington, DC.
Shapira, Philip and Jue Wang. July 1, 2009. "From Lab to Market? Strategies and Issues in the Commercialization of Nanotechnology in China." Journal of Asian Business Management. 8(4):461-489. doi: 10.1057/abm.2009.15
Shapira, Philip and Jan Youtie. 2009. "The Emergence of Social Science Research in Nanotechnology." Working Paper.
Shapira, Philip, Jan Youtie and Luciano Kay. October 2009. "Global Developments in Nanotechnology Commercialization." Presentation. 2nd Manchester International Workshop on Nanotechnology, Society and Policy. Manchester, UK.
Subramanian, Vrishali. 2009. "Active Nanotechnology: What Can We Expect? A Perspective for Policy from Bibliographical and Bibliometric Analysis." Working Paper.
Van Horn, Carl, Jennifer Cleary and Aaron Fichtner. 2009. The Workforce Needs of Pharmaceutical Companies in New Jersey That Use Nanotechnology: Preliminary Findings.#R09-0002 John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. New Brunswick, NJ.
Van Horn, Carl, Jennifer Cleary, Leela Hebbar and Aaron Fichtner. 2009. A Profile of Nanotechnology Degree Programs in the United States.#R09-0001 John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. New Brunswick, NJ.
Youtie, Jan. December 2009. "Anticipating Developments in Nanotechnology Commercialization." Presentation. NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Grantees Conference. Arlington, VA.
Youtie, Jan. August 2009. "Center for Nanotechnology in Society." Presentation. Presentation to the President, Dr. G.P. (Bud) Peterson. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA.
Youtie, Jan. January 2009. "Center for Nanotechnology in Society." Presentation. Biotechnology and Public Forum. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA.
Youtie, Jan. August 2009. "Understanding and Stimulating Highly Creative Research: Measurement and Analysis - U.S. and Europe." Presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. San Francisco, CA.
Youtie, Jan and Alan L. Porter. October 2009. "Conducting Research on Emerging Innovation Systems through Bibliometric Analysis." Presentation. Pre-conference Workshop: Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (S.NET). Seattle, WA.
Youtie, Jan and Alan L. Porter. October 2009. "Datamining Researcher Recognition of Nanotechnology Risk." Presentation. 2nd Manchester International Workshop on Nanotechnology, Society and Policy. Manchester, UK.
Youtie, Jan, Philip Shapira, Thomas Heinze and Juan D. Rogers. October 2009. "Highly Creative Research: How it is defined and Organized." Presentation. Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy. Atlanta, GA.
Youtie, Jan, Philip Shapira and Juan D. Rogers. October 2009. "Blind Matching Versus Matchmaking: Comparison Group Selection for Highly Creative Researchers." Presentation. Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy. Atlanta, GA.
Youtie, Jan, Philip Shapira and Juan D. Rogers. 2009. "Blind Matching Versus Matchmaking: Comparison Group Selection for Highly Creative Researchers." Working Paper. Paper prepared for Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy on October 2-3, 2009.
Carley, Stephen. 2008. RTTA1 Nanotechnology Research Publication Databases: Updated to 2008.CNS-ASU Report # R08-0004 Center for Nanotechnology in Society at ASU. Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA.
Fernandez-Ribas, Andrea and Philip Shapira. May 2008. "Technological Diversity, Scientific Excellence and the Location of Inventive Activities Abroad: The Case of Nanotechnology." Presentation. National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Nanobank Conference. Boston, MA.
