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Rogers, H.,S. November 2015. "The Reflective Turn in Art and Science Studies (Panel Stream Co-Organizer and Panel Moderator)." Presentation. Society for Social Studies of Science. Denver, CO. |
Rogers, H.,S. March 2015. "Writer-in-Residence." |
Sadowski, Jathan and David H. Guston. 2015. "TA as an Institutional ized Practice: Recent Developments in the USA." Technikfolgenabschatzung - Theorie und Praxis. 24(1):54-59. |
Selin, C. November 19-21, 2015. "A Tarot Reading of the Weather: Reflections on the Epistemology of Anticipation." Presentation. Phoenix 2050. Carnegie Desert Cities Symposium. Arizona State University. |
Selin, C. December 7, 2015. "A Year Without a Winter: A Performative Experiment in Scenario Planning." Presentation. ELINAS (Center for Literature and Natural Science). Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen. Nürnberg, Germany. |
Selin, C. 2015. "Design Fiction and Imaginary Futures (Invited lecture)." Presentation. School of Design. Carnegie Mellon University. |
Selin, C. 2015. "Future Imperfect: Critical Approaches to Foresight Deliberation." Presentation. Contro-Corrente Seminars. JRC, European Commission. Ispra, Italy. |
Selin, C. November 11-14, 2015. "Futurescape City Tours. Exhibition, Making and Doing." Denver, CO. |
Selin, C. 2015. "Merging art and design in foresight: Making sense of Emerge." Futures. 70:24-35. doi: 10.1016/j.futures.2014.12.006 |
Selin, C. 2015. "Public Engagement through Material Deliberation (Invited lecture)." Presentation. Department of Media, Cognition and Communication. University of Copenhagen. Copenhagen, Denmark. |
Selin, C. and Davies, S.. 2015. "Studying Emerge: Findings from an Event Ethnography." Futures. 70:75-85. doi: 10.1016/j.futures.2014.05.003 |
Selin, C. and Gano, G.. 2015. "Seeing Differently: Enticing Reflexivity through Mediated Participation in Place in the Futurescape City Tours." Engaging Participatory Visual and Digital Methods, ed(s). Gubrium, A. and Harper, K., p. 87-100. Left Coast Press. |
Selin, C., Kimbell, L., Ramirez, R. and Bhatti, Y.. 2015. "Scenarios and Design: Scoping the Dialogue Space." Futures. 74:4-17. doi: 10.1016/j.futures.2015.06.002 |
Selin, C., Pereira, A. and Gano, G.. 2015. "Mediation and Scenarios: Unpacking Power, Politics and Persuasion in Future-Oriented Inquiry." Presentation. International Conference on Anticipation. Trento, Italy. |
Selin, C. and Sadowski, J.. 2015. "Against Blank Slate Futuring: Noticing Obduracy in the City through Experiential Methods of Public Engagement." Remaking Participation: Science, Environment and Emerging Publics, ed(s). Kearnes, M. and Chilver, J., p. 218-237. Routledge. |
Selin, Cynthia and Gretchen Gano. 2015. "Seeing Differently: Enticing Relexivity through Mediated Participation in Places in the Futurescape City Tours." Engaging Participatory Visual and Digital Methods, ed(s). Gubrium, A. and K. Harper, Left Coast Press. |
Selin, Cynthia and Jathan Sadowski. 2015. "Against Blank Slate Futuring: Noticing Obduracy in the City through Experiential Methods of Public Engagement." Remaking Participation: Science, Evnironment and Emerging Publics, ed(s). Kearnes, M. and J. Chilvers, Routledge. |
Shapira, P., Gök, A. and Yazdi, F., S.. August 2015. "Graphene Research and Enterprise: Mapping innovation and business growth in a strategic emerging technology Nesta." Working Paper. |
Shapira, P., Youtie, J. and Li, Y.. 2015. "Social Science Contributions Compared in Synthetic Biology and Nanotechnology." Journal of Responsible Innovation. 2(1):143-148. doi: 10.1080/23299460.2014.1002123 |
Wang, Jue and Philip Shapira. 2015. "Is There a Relationship between Research Sponsorship and Publication Impact? An Analysis of Funding Acknowledgements in Nanotechnology Papers." PLoS ONE. 10(2). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0117727 |
White, D., Hannah, D. and Jenik, A.. 2015. "What Will the Desert City of 2050 Look Like?." Presentation. The Future We Want: A Research Symposium on Desert Cities. Tempe, AZ. |
White D, Withycombe Keeler L, Wiek A and Larson KL. 2015. "Envisioning the future of water governance: A survey of central Arizona water decision makers." Environmental Practice. 17(1):25-35. |
Wiek A, Bernstein M, Foley R, Cohen M, Forrest N, Kuzdas C, Kay B and Withycombe Keeler L. 2015. "Operationalising Competencies in Higher Education for Sustainable Development." Handbook of Higher Education for Sustainable Development, ed(s). Barth M, Michelson G, Rieckmann M and Thomas I, Routledge, London. |
Withycombe Keeler L. March 24 – 25, 2015. "City-Region Sustainability Transition Labs (Workshop Coordination and Lead)." Presentation. Workshop of the International Network of Programs in Sustainability. Leuphana University Lüneburg. Lüneburg, Germany. |
Wang, X., Qui, P., Zhu, D., Mitkova, L., Lei, M. and Porter, A.L.. 2015. "Identification of technology development trends based on subject-action-object analysis: The case of dye-sensitized solar cells." Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 98:24-46. doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2015.05.014 |