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Home › About › CNS-ASU News › ASU President Crow welcomes Communities of Integration Workshop participantsASU President Crow welcomes Communities of Integration Workshop participants
May 24, 2013

"Intellectual fusion" is one of the key design imperatives at Arizona State University. At the Communities of Integration Workshop taking place this week in Tempe, AZ, a key theme has been cross-disciplinary work and the fusion of social and natural sciences. Bringing the two together, ASU President Dr. Michael Crow delivered a welcome address to the conference attendees via video.
The welcoming remarks address conference themes and the ways in which ASU is working to address them. "What we have decided to do," Dr. Crow said, "is to provide for fantastic fundamental disciplines, while at the same time... allowing to emerge trans-disciplinary schools and programs... and doing it in a way where both can co-exist and be of equal hierarchical status."
Watch the full remarks below:
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