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Rogers, H.,S. 2016. "Making and Doing at 4S Meeting (Denver): Let’s extend the experiment!." EASST Review. |
Rogers, H.,S. 2015. "Dear FAA." The Brazenhead Review. |
Rogers, H.,S. 2015. "Dear NSA." |
Rogers, H.,S. April 23, 2015. "Making Science Visible: The Photography of Berenice Abbott." |
Rogers, H.,S. 2015. "Review of Digest by Gregory Pardlo, with Four Way Books." |
Rogers, H.,S. August 22, 2015. "Review of Excepts from a Secret Prophecy by Joanna Klink." |
Rogers, H.,S. December 28, 2015. "Review of Gorgeous Nothings: Emily Dickinson’s Envelope Poems Hold New Pleasures." TQ Reviews. |
Cavalier, Darlene. January 16, 2014. "Citizen Science! New Technologies, New Audiences." CNS-ASU Science Café. |
Davies, Sarah R. et al. May 2014. "Studying Emerge: Findings from an Event Ethnography." Futures. |
Klug Boonstra, Sheri. February 20, 2014. "Citizen Science Goes to Mars." CNS-ASU Science Café. |
Selin, Cynthia. December 24, 2014. "Merging art and design in foresight: Making sense of Emerge." Futures. |
Allenby, Braden and Peter de Marneffe. April 19, 2013. "Privacy in the Nano City: Humans and nano- enabled Communication Technologies." CNS-ASU Science Café. |
Barker, Anna and Denise Meridith. May 17, 2013. "Healing in the Nano City: Designing Equity into Transformative Healthcare." CNS-ASU Science Café. |
de Ridder-Vignone, Kathryn. September 17, 2013. "Material Deliberation as Public Engagement in the Nanoscale Informal Science Education (NISE) Network." CNS-ASU Occasional Speaker. |
Guston, David H. March 03, 2013. "The Scholars Circle and Insighters Radio." KPFK Radio. |
Guston, David H. and Cynthia Selin. January 2013. "Life In 2030." IEEE Spectrum Radio. |
Honsberg, Christiana and Nancy LaPlaca. March 15, 2013. "Power in the Nano City: Electricity, Democracy, and Mutual Influence." CNS-ASU Science Café. |
Jenik, Adriene and Dee Dee Falls. January 2013. "Learning the Nano City." CNS-ASU Science Café. |
Petrucci, Darren and Kelly Campbell Rawlings. March 15, 2013. "Evolving in the Nano City: Urban Design, Urban Culture and Forces of Changes." CNS-ASU Science Café. |
Randles, Sally. October 22, 2013. "Toward an Institutionalist Sociology of Responsible Innovation." CNS-ASU Occasional Speaker. |
Scheufele, Dietram A. 2013. "Comment isn't Free: The Downside of Web 2.0." New Scientist. |
Wetmore, Jameson and Ira Bennett. January 9, 2013. "Creating Space in Science Centers for Public Discussions about the Social Aspects of Science and Technology." Genotype: a blog from the ESRC Genomics Policy and Research Forum. |
Yeo, Sara K., Dominique E. Brossard, Dietram A. Scheufele, Paul Nealey and Elizabeth A. Corley. 2013. "Tweeting to the Top." The Scientist. |
Bennett, Ira and Timothy Boyd. November 2012. "Equity in the Nano City: How Can Nanotechnology Empower Equitable Water Distribution." CNS-ASU Science Café. |
Coleman, Grisha and Aaron Golub. October 2012. "Moving in the Nano City: What will the Impact Be?." CNS-ASU Science Café. |