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Guston, David H. May 2006. "What Do We Want to Learn from Public Participation in Nanotechnology." Presentation. NNI Public Participation in Nanotechnology Workshop. Arlington, VA. |
Johnston, Stephen and Joan McGregor. September 2006. "Predicting Your Medical Future (Doc-in-a-Box)." Presentation. CNS-ASU Science Café. Changing Hands Bookstore. Tempe, AZ. |
Lee, Chul-joo and Dietram A. Scheufele. 2006. "The Influence of Knowledge and Deference toward Scientific Authority: A Media Effects Model for Public Attitudes toward Nanotechnology." Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. 83(4):819-834. doi: 10.1177/107769900608300406 |
Libaers, Dirk. September 2006. "The Role and Contribution of Foreign-born Scientists and Engineers to the U.S. Nano Science and Technology Research Enterprise." Presentation. Technology Transfer Society Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. |
Lindsay, Stuart. March 23, 2006. "Humankind's Future On the Head of a Pin: Nanotechnology - What it is, What it can do." Presentation. CNS-ASU Science Café. Mills End Coffee Shop. Tempe, AZ. |
Marchant, Gary E. and Douglas J. Sylvester. 2006. "Transnational Models for Regulation of Nanotechnology." Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics. 34(4):714-725. doi: 10.1111/j.1748-720X.2006.00091.x |
Miller, Clark A. December 9, 2006. "Boundary Organizations: Strategies for Linking Knowledge to Action." Presentation. Workshop on Boundary Organizations. Tempe, AZ. |
Miller, Clark A. 2006. Boundary Organizations: Strategies for Linking Knowledge to Action.CNS-ASU Report #R06-0001 Center for Nanotechnology in Society. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Miller, Clark A. November 16, 2006. "Informing Anticipatory Governance of New and Emerging Technologies through Nanotechnology in Society Research." Presentation. Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net) Annual Meeting. |
Miller, Clark A. March 2006. "Nanotechnology in Society." Presentation. Ohio State University. Columbus, OH. |
Miller, Clark A. April 19, 2006. "Nanotechnology in Society Education: Teaching the Mental Habits of Social Engineers and Critical Citizens." Presentation. Education in Nanoscience and Engineering Symposium, 2006 Spring Meeting, Materials Research Society. San Francisco, CA. |
Miller, Clark A. 2006. Nanotechnology in Society: A New Model of Anticipatory Governance.Workshop Report No. 8 (ECETOC: Brussels). CNS-ASU Report #R06-0002 Center for Nanotechnology in Society. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Miller, Clark A. October 2006. "Reflexive, Anticipatory Governance of Science and Technology." Presentation. Public Administration and Challenges of Emerging Technologies Roundtable, 2006 NASPAA Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN. |
Miller, Clark A. June 2006. "Think Differently! Strategies for Success in Nano." Presentation. Food Research Institute. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Madison, WI. |
Pirtle, Zach. 2006. "Nanotechnology: Constructing a Proactive Science Policy towards Democracy." The Triple Helix: The International Journal of Science, Society and Law. 3(1):48. |
Porter, Alan, L. November 15, 2006. "Mining Patents and Research Publications to Improve Technology Management: Nano Illustrations." Presentation. 2nd PATINEX Conference. Seoul, South Korea. |
Porter, Alan L., David J. Schoeneck, Ajay S. Bhaskarabhatla, Jan Youtie and Dirk Libaers. May 2006. "Explorations in Research and Innovation Systems Assessment: Where Is Nano Going." Presentation. The Atlanta Conference on Science and Technology Policy. Atlanta, GA. |
Porter, Alan L., David J. Schoeneck, Nils Newman, Philip Shapira, Jan Youtie and Rich Kolar. September 2006. "Nano R&D Profiles: A Deeper Look." Presentation. International Conference on Science & Technology Indicators. Leuven, Belgium. |
Porter, Alan L., David J. Schoeneck, Philip Shapira, Jan Youtie and Rich Kolar. September 2006. "Defining the Nanotechnology Domain in Realtime Technology Assessment." Presentation. Technology Transfer Society Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. |
Porter, Alan L., Philip Shapira and Jan Youtie. September 2006. "Defining the Nanotechnology Domain in a Real Time Technology Assessment." Presentation. Technology Transfer Society Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. |
Porter, Alan L., Jan Youtie and Philip Shapira. 2006. Briefing Paper: Refining Search Terms for Nanotechnology.CNS-ASU Report #R06-0003 Center for Nanotechnology in Society. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Sarewitz, Daniel. August 2006. "Policy Perspectives." Presentation. Meta-Analysis: Emerging Themes in Science Policy. Gordon Research Conference on Science and Technology Policy. Big Sky, MT. |
Sarewitz, Daniel. February 2006. "Tools for Goldilocks: Rethinking the Relationships Among Research, Funding, and Progress." Presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). St. Louis, MO. |
Scheufele, Dietram A. 2006. "Five Lessons in Nano Outreach." Materials Today. 9(5):64. |
Scheufele, Dietram. 2006. "If We Are to Communicate Successfully With the Public, We Need to Learn How to Frame the Message for Different Audiences." Materials Today. 9(5):64. |