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Guston, David H. May 2013. "Rethinking Responsibility in Innovation." Presentation. The Brookings Institution. Washington, DC. |
Guston, David H. March 2013. "The Role of Real-Time Technology Assessment in STI Processes." Presentation. Second Annual International Symposium on Science, Technology and Innovation Governance. University of Tokyo. Tokyo, Japan. |
Harsh, Matthew. November 2013. "Ethics and Nanomaterials." Presentation. South African Department of Science and Technology’s Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Summer School. University of the Western Cape. Cape Town, South Africa. |
Harsh, Matthew. December 2013. "Nanotechnology Public Engagement Program NanoNews Writing Workshop (for graduate students)." Presentation. Co-facilitator for the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement. Cape Town, South Africa. |
Ho, Shirley S., Xuan Liang, Dominique E. Brossard, Dietram A. Scheufele, Michael A. Xenos, X. Hao and X. He. June 2013. "Value Predispositions as Perceptual Filters: A Cross-cultural Comparison of Public Attitudes toward Nanotechnology in the United States and Singapore." Presentation. Annual Convention of the International Communication Association. London, United Kingdom. |
Honsberg, Christiana and Nancy LaPlaca. March 15, 2013. "Power in the Nano City: Electricity, Democracy and Mutual Influence." Presentation. CNS-ASU Science Café. Arizona Science Center. Phoenix, AZ. |
Kim, Youngjae, Elizabeth A. Corley and Dietram A. Scheufele. 2013. "How Do Leading U.S. Nano-scientists View their Social Responsibility for Nanotech Research?." Presentation. The Second Conference of the Sustainable Nanotechnology Organization Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara, CA. |
Kim, Youngjae, Elizabeth A. Corley and Dietram A. Scheufele. May 2013. "The Role of Social Responsibility in Leading Nano-Scientists' Perceptions about Nanotech Research and Regulation." Presentation. Annual Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies: Law, Policy, and Ethics. Chandler, AZ. |
Li, Nan, Heather Akin, Leona Yi-Fan Su, Michael A. Xenos, Dietram A. Scheufele and Dominique E. Brossard. June 2013. "Using Twitter to Assess Public Opinion about Nuclear Power Pre- and Post-Fukushima." Presentation. Annual Convention of the International Communication Association. London, United Kingdom. |
Li, Nan, Dominique E. Brossard and Dietram A. Scheufele. December 2013. "What do Government and Non-profit Stakeholders Want to Know about Nuclear Fuel Cycles? A Semantic Network Analysis Approach." Presentation. Annual Convention of the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA). Baltimore, MD. |
McCray, Patrick. November 8, 2013. "The Visioneers: In Pursuit of Space Colonies, Nanotechnologies, and a Limitless Future." Presentation. CNS-ASU Occasional Speaker. Center for Nanotechnology in Society. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Petrucci, Darren and Kelly Campbell Rawlings. February 15, 2013. "Evolving in the Nano City: Urban Design, Urban Culture and Forces of Change." Presentation. CNS-ASU Science Café. Arizona Science Center. Phoenix, AZ. |
Randles, Sally. October 22, 2013. "Toward an Institutionalist Sociology of Responsible Innovation." Presentation. CNS-ASU Occasional Speaker Presentation. Center for Nanotechnology in Society. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Runge, Kristin R., Sara K. Yeo, Dominique E. Brossard, Dietram A. Scheufele and Michael A. Xenos. May 2013. "God, Money, Politics, and Science: The Role of Religion, Conservative Economic and Liberal Social Attitudes on Perception of Science in the Last Weeks of the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election." Presentation. Annual Convention of the American Association for Public Opinion Research. Boston, MA. |
Scheufele, Dietram A. November 15, 2013. "A Brave New (Online) World: Emerging Technologies at the Intersection of Science, Policy, and Rapidly Changing Media Environments." Presentation. Neuroscience & Public Policy Program, Kavli Lecture. Madison, WI. |
Scheufele, Dietram A. May 3, 2013. "A Brave New (Online) World: Emerging Technologies at the Intersection of Science, Policy, and Rapidly Changing Media Environments." Presentation. Emerging Technologies at the Intersection of Science, Policy, and Rapidly Changing Media Environments. Arizona State University. Tempe. AZ. |
Scheufele, Dietram A. May 9, 2013. "Barriers to Addressing Our Climate and Energy Challenges." Presentation. Panelist at Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts & Letters. Madison, WI. |
Scheufele, Dietram A. 2013. "Communicating Science in Social Settings." Presentation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. |
Scheufele, Dietram A. October 7, 2013. "From Behavior Change Research to Program Design." Presentation. Association of Energy Services Professionals. Madison, WI. |
Scheufele, Dietram A. May 20, 2013. "Public Engagement in Science (Policy): Opportunities and Dead Ends." Presentation. Annual Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies: Law, Policy, and Ethics. Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Scheufele, Dietram A. July 9, 2013. "Public Engagement with Science." Presentation. Webinar for Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC). Washington, DC. |
Scheufele, Dietram A. September 23, 2013. "Science Communication as Political Communication." Presentation. Sackler Colloquium on the Science of Science Communication II. National Academy of Sciences. Washington, DC. |
Scheufele, Dietram A. June 20, 2013. "The Future of (Environmental) Communication as a Discipline." Presentation. Panelist at International Communication Association Annual Conference. London, England. |
Scheufele, Dietram A. December 5, 2013. "The Science of Communicating Nanoscience." Presentation. Keynote Presentation at NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Grantees Conference. Arlington, VA. |
Scheufele, Dietram A. November 26, 2013. "Trollish Behavior and the Future of Online Comments." Presentation. Panelist at Society of Professional Journalists. Madison, WI. |