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Konrad, K., van Lente, H., Groves, C. and Selin, C.. In press. "The Future in STS: Performativity & Temporality." The Handbook for Science and Technology Studies, ed(s). Miller, C., Smith-Doerr, L., Felt, U. and Fouche, R., MIT Press. |
Wender, Benjamin A. and Thomas P. Seager. In press. "Anticipatory Life Cycle Assessment of SWCNT-enabled Lithium Ion Batteries." Nanotechnology for Sustainable Manufacturing, ed(s). David Rickerby, Springer. |
Foley, Rider W., David H. Guston and Daniel Sarewitz. 2015. "Towards the Anticipatory Governance of Geoengineering." Engineering our Climate? Ethics, Politics and Governance of Climate Engineering, ed(s). In Blackstock, Jason, Clark Miller and Steven Rayner, Earthscan-Routledge. |
Foley, Rider W., Marcel Weil, Bennedikt Zimmerman, Manual Baumann and Bengamin A. Wender. In review. 2015. "Interdisciplinary Explorations of Life Cycle Assessment for Responsible Research and Innovation -- A Synposis of Recent Workshop Activities." Studies of New and Emerging Technologies, 6th Edition, ed(s). In D. Bowman, A. Dijkstra, C. Fautz, J. Guivant, K. Konrad, H. van Lente and S. Woll, 6th Edition IOS Press. |
Selin, C. and Gano, G.. 2015. "Seeing Differently: Enticing Reflexivity through Mediated Participation in Place in the Futurescape City Tours." Engaging Participatory Visual and Digital Methods, ed(s). Gubrium, A. and Harper, K., p. 87-100. Left Coast Press. |
Selin, C. and Sadowski, J.. 2015. "Against Blank Slate Futuring: Noticing Obduracy in the City through Experiential Methods of Public Engagement." Remaking Participation: Science, Environment and Emerging Publics, ed(s). Kearnes, M. and Chilver, J., p. 218-237. Routledge. |
Selin, Cynthia and Gretchen Gano. 2015. "Seeing Differently: Enticing Relexivity through Mediated Participation in Places in the Futurescape City Tours." Engaging Participatory Visual and Digital Methods, ed(s). Gubrium, A. and K. Harper, Left Coast Press. |
Selin, Cynthia and Jathan Sadowski. 2015. "Against Blank Slate Futuring: Noticing Obduracy in the City through Experiential Methods of Public Engagement." Remaking Participation: Science, Evnironment and Emerging Publics, ed(s). Kearnes, M. and J. Chilvers, Routledge. |
Wiek A, Bernstein M, Foley R, Cohen M, Forrest N, Kuzdas C, Kay B and Withycombe Keeler L. 2015. "Operationalising Competencies in Higher Education for Sustainable Development." Handbook of Higher Education for Sustainable Development, ed(s). Barth M, Michelson G, Rieckmann M and Thomas I, Routledge, London. |
Selin, C. 2014 (In Press). "Finding Futures: Experiments with Experiential Future-Oriented Dialogue." Communicating For Social Change: A Handbook For Researchers, ed(s). Pereira, A. and Wakeford, T., |
Foley, Rider W, Arnim Wiek and Braden Kay. In review. 2014. "Nanotechnology Development as if People and Places Matter." Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume IV: Nanotechnology and Democracy, ed(s). Kathryn De Ridder-Vignone, Clark A. Miller and Daniel Barben, New York: Springer. |
Selin, Cynthia. 2014. "Finding Futures: Experiments with Experiential Future-Oriented Dialogue." Communicating For Social Change: A Handbook For Researchers, ed(s). Pereira, A. and Wakeford, T., |
Wender, B.A. and T.P. Seager. 2014. "Anticipatory life cycle assessment of SWCNT-enabled lithium ion batteries, in Nanotechnology for Sustainable Manufacturing." ed(s). Rickerby, D, Springer. |
Anderson, Derrick. 2013. "The Cochlear Implant Controversy: Lessons Learned for Using Anticipatory Governance to Address Societal Concerns of Nano-scale Neural interface Technologies." Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume III: Nanotechnology, the Brain, and the Future, ed(s). Sean A. Hays, Jason S. Robert, Clark A. Miller and Ira Bennett, p. 147-158. New York: Springer. |
Choi, Doo-Hun, Anthony D. Dudo and Dietram A. Scheufele. 2013. "U.S. News Coverage of Neuroscience Nanotechnology: How U.S. Newspapers Have Covered Neuroscience Nanotechnology During the Last Decade." Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume III: Nanotechnology, the Brain, and the Future, ed(s). Sean A. Hays, Jason S. Robert, Clark A. Miller and Ira Bennett, p. 67-78. New York: Springer. |
Ellwood, Paul, Erik Fisher and Krsto Panzda. 2013. "Organizational Life Cycles for Responsible Innovation." Emerging Technologies: Socio-Behavioral Life Cycle Approaches, ed(s). Michael Gorman, Nora Savage and Anita Street, p. 117-138. Singapore: Pan Stanford. |
Fisher, Erik and Schuurbiers, Daan. 2013. "Midstream Modulation." Opening up the Laboratory: Approaches for Early Engagement with New Technology, ed(s). Doorn, N., Schuurbiers, D., van de Poel, I. and Gorman, M. E., p. 97-110. Wiley-Blackwell. |
Fisher, Erik and Arie Rip. 2013. "Responsible Innovation: Multi-Level Dynamics and Soft Interventions." Responsible Innovation, ed(s). R. Owen, M. Heintz and J. Bessant, p. 165-183. Chichester, UK: Wiley. |
Fisher, Erik and Daan Schuurbiers. 2013. "Socio-technical Integration Research: Collaborative Inquiry at the Midstream of Research and Development." Opening up the Laboratory: Approaches for Early Engagement with New Technology, ed(s). I. van de Poel, M.E. Gorman, N. Doorn and D. Schuurbiers, 16:97-110. Wiley-Blackwell. |
Gorman, Michael, Antonio Calleja-Lopez, Shanon Conley and Farzad Mahootian. 2013. "Integrating Ethicists and Social Scientists into Cutting Edge Research and Technological Development." Early Engagement and New Technologies: Opening up the Laboratory, ed(s). I. van de Poel, N. Doorn, D. Schuurbiers and M. E. Gorman, 16:157-173. Wiley-Blackwell. |
Guston, David H. 2013. "Daddy, Can I Have a Puddle Gator?: Creativity, Anticipation, and Responsible Innovation." Responsible Innovation: Managing the Responsible Emergence of Science and Innovation in Society, ed(s). Richard Owen, John Bessant and Maggy Heintz, p. 109-118. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. |
Hamlett, Patrick, Michael D. Cobb and David H. Guston. 2013. "National Citizens Technology Forum: Nanotechnologies and Human Enhancement." Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume III: Nanotechnology, the Brain, and the Future, ed(s). Sean A. Hays, Jason S. Robert, Clark A. Miller and Ira Bennett, p. 265-283. New York: Springer. |
Hays, Sean A. 2013. "Narratives of Intelligence: The Sociotechnical Context of Cognitive Enhancement in American Political Culture." Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume III: Nanotechnology, the Brain, and the Future, ed(s). Sean A. Hays, Jason S. Robert, Clark A. Miller and Ira Bennett, p. 219-234. New York: Springer. |
Hays, Sean A., Clark A. Miller and Michael D. Cobb. 2013. "Public Attitudes towards Nanotechnology-Enabled Cognitive Enhancement in the United States." Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume III: Nanotechnology, the Brain, and the Future, ed(s). Sean A. Hays, Jason S. Robert, Clark A. Miller and Ira Bennett, p. 43-65. New York: Springer. |
Kay, Luciano and Jan Youtie. 2013. "Corporate Strategies in Emerging Technologies: The Case of Chinese Firms and Energy Storage-Related Nanotechnology Applications." Shaping Emerging Technologies: Governance, Innovation, Discourse, p. 167-184. Berlin, Germany: IOS Press / AKA. |