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Selin, Cynthia et al. In review. "Experiments in Engagement: Designing PEST for Capacity Building." Public Understanding of Science. doi: 10.1177/0963662515620970 |
Selin, Cynthia, et al. "New Dimensions of Plausibility." Working Paper. Under preparation for Nature. |
Selin, C. and Rodegher, S.. "Parity and Participation: The Role of Social Influence in Scenario Planning." Presentation. International Conference on Anticipation. Trento, Italy. |
Wicksen, Fern, Michael D. Cobb and Patrick Hamlett. In review. "Review of deliberative processes: National Citizens Technology Forum - USA." Democratisation of Science and Technology Development: Deliberative Processes in the Development of Nanotechnologies, ed(s). S. Pal, G. Scholl and S. Eivind, Singapore: Pan Stanford Publishing. |
Wiek, Arnim and Cynthia Selin. "Sustainable Anticipatory Governance." Working Paper. Under development. |