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Wetmore, Jameson. December 2007. "Amish Technology." Presentation. Spirit of the Senses Salon. Phoenix, AZ.
Wetmore, Jameson. August 2007. "Cats Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut." Presentation. Spirit of the Senses Salon. Scottsdale, AZ.
Youtie, Jan and Philip Shapira. June 2007. "US Nanodistrict Development: 1990-2006."
Bennett, Ira. 2006. "Emerging Technologies." Presentation. Spirit of the Senses Salon. Phoenix, AZ.
Bennett, Ira and Daniel Sarewitz. 2006. "Too Little, Too Late? Research Policies on the Societal Implications of Nanotechnology in the United States." Science as Culture. 15(4):309-325. doi: 10.1080/09505430601022635
Feldman, Martha S., Anne M. Khademian, Helen Ingram and Anne S. Schneider. 2006. "Ways of Knowing and Inclusive Management Practices." Public Administration Review. 66:89-99. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6210.2006.00669.x
Guston, David H. May 2006. "What Do We Want to Learn from Public Participation in Nanotechnology." Presentation. NNI Public Participation in Nanotechnology Workshop. Arlington, VA.
Marchant, Gary E. and Douglas J. Sylvester. 2006. "Transnational Models for Regulation of Nanotechnology." Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics. 34(4):714-725. doi: 10.1111/j.1748-720X.2006.00091.x
Miller, Clark A. 2006. Nanotechnology in Society: A New Model of Anticipatory Governance.Workshop Report No. 8 (ECETOC: Brussels). CNS-ASU Report #R06-0002 Center for Nanotechnology in Society. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ.
Pirtle, Zach. 2006. "Nanotechnology: Constructing a Proactive Science Policy towards Democracy." The Triple Helix: The International Journal of Science, Society and Law. 3(1):48.
Selin, Cynthia. September 2006. "The Center for Nanotechnology in Society." Presentation. NanoTX Conference. Dallas, TX.
Selin, Cynthia. 2006. "Time Matters: Temporal Harmony and Dissonance in Nanotechnology Networks." Time and Society. 15(1):121-139. doi: 10.1177/0961463X06061786
Selin, Cynthia. 2006. "Trust and the Illusive Force of Scenarios." Futures. 38(1):1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.futures.2005.04.001
Selin, Cynthia and Ira Bennett. November 19, 2006. "Visions of Nanotechnology." Presentation. CNS-ASU Science Café. Changing Hands Bookstore. Tempe, AZ.
Tahan, Charles, Ricky C. Leung, Greta M. Zenner, Karin D. Ellison, Wendy C. Crone and Clark A. Miller. 2006. "Nanotechnology and Society: A Discussion-Based Undergraduate Course." American Journal of Physics. 74(5):443-448. doi: 10.1119/1.2178845
Altamirano, Carlos and Cynthia Selin. In review. "Seeing the City: Photography as a Place of Work." Environmental Studies and Sciences. doi: 10.1007/s13412-015-0273-5
Anbar, A. Planetary Design Climate Design Workshop Report. Arizona State University.
Bhatti, Yasser, Lucy Kimbell, Rafael Ramirez and Selin, Cynthia. In review. "Scenarios and Design: Scoping the dialogue space.." Futures. doi: 10.1016/j.futures.2015.06.002
Cobb, Michael D. and Gretchen Gano. In review. "Empowerment and Social Learning: Long Term Benefits of Citizen Deliberation about Nanotechnologies for Human Enhancement." Public Understanding of Science. doi: doi: 10.1177/0963662513476403
Davies, Sarah R. and Cynthia Selin. "Peopling Energy: The Difficulty with Deliberation on Nanotechnology, Energy, and Society." Working Paper. Under preparation for Environmental Communication: a Journal of Nature and Culture.
Guston, David H. "Understanding Anticipatory Governance." Working Paper. Social Studies of Science. Revise and resubmit.
Molin, Mans J. and Cynthia Selin. In review. "Institutionalizing Innovation: Instances of Changes in the Danish System of Innovation." Research Policy.
Pereira, Angela and Cynthia Selin. "Plausibility in Post-Normal Times." Working Paper. Under development.
Rogers, H.,S. "American Letters Selections." Kingman: Tiny Publications.
Selin, Cynthia. In review. "Diagnosing Futures: Producing Scenarios to Support Reflexive Governance of Technology." Social Studies of Science, special issue.
