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Laurent, Brice and Erik Fisher. August 2007. "The Integration of Public Input into the American Nanotechnology Federal Program: Meanings and Contradictions." Presentation. Living Knowledge Conference. , Ecoles des Mines. Paris, France. |
Leung, Ricky C. 2007. "Doing Nanotechnology in 21 Century China." Doctoral Dissertation. Sociology. University of Wisconsin. Madison, WI. |
Leung, Ricky C. 2007. "Network Position, Research Funding and Interdisciplinary Collaboration among Nanotechnology Scientists: An Application of Social Network Analysis." Solid State Phenomena. 121-123:1347-1350. doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.121-123.1347 |
Marchant, Gary E., Douglas J. Sylvester and Kenneth W. Abbott. 2007. "Nanotechnology Regulation: The United States Approach." New Global Frontiers in Regulation: The Age of Nanotechnology, ed(s). Graeme A. Hodge, Diana M. Bowman and Karinne Ludlow, p. 189-211. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. |
Maricle, Genevieve. December 2007. "Shaping Science: Turning Science Studies into Science Action." Presentation. Noontime Seminar Series. Center for Science and Technology Policy Research. Boulder, CO. |
Maricle, Genevieve. October 2007. "Wrestling with Engagement: Tools for Iterating Intervention in STS." Presentation. Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Montreal, Canada. |
Meldrum, Deirdre and Jameson Wetmore. October 19, 2007. "Less is More Technology: Is Smaller and Cheaper Always Better." Presentation. CNS-ASU Science Café. Arizona Science Center. Phoenix, AZ. |
Miller, Clark A. April 2007. "Commentary: The Law and the Future Brain." Presentation. Sandra Day OConnor College of Law. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Miller, Clark A. and Ira Bennett. April 2007. "Science Fiction as Technology Assessment: Some Preliminary Thoughts on Anticipatory Governance for the Rest of Us." Presentation. Cornell University. Ithaca, NY. |
Miller, Clark A., David H. Guston, Daniel Barben, Jameson Wetmore, Cynthia Selin and Erik Fisher. 2007. Nanotechnology and Society: Ideas for Education and Public Engagement.CNS-ASU Report #R07-0001 Center for Nanotechnology in Society. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Miller, Clark A. and Sarah K. Pfatteicher. 2007. "Nanotechnology in Society Education: Cultivating the Mental Habits of Social Engineers and Critical Citizens." Nanoscale Science and Engineering Education, ed(s). Aldrin E. Sweeney and Sudipta Seal, p. 567-576. Stevenson Ranch, CA: American Scientific Publishers. |
Monahan, Torin and Tyler Wall. 2007. "Somatic Surveillance: Corporeal Control through Information Networks." Surveillance and Society. 4(4-Mar). |
Nisbet, Matthew C. and Dietram A. Scheufele. October 2007. "The Future of Public Engagement." The Scientist. 21(10):38-44. |
Panaretos, Anastasios. 2007. "A Discrete Time-Domain Electromagnetics Formulation with Minimized Numerical Artifacts." Doctoral Dissertation. Electrical Engineering. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Panjwani, Azra. 2007. "The Psychological Impact of Mass Surveillance on Society: A Quantitative Approach." Graduate Thesis. Department of Mathematics. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Pirtle, Zach. 2007. "Democratizing Nanotechnology: Intersecting the Philosophy of Science with Science Policy." Undergraduate Thesis. Barrett Honors College. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Porter, Alan L. October 2007. "Public Lecture." Presentation. Institute for S&T Information. Beijing, China. |
Porter, Alan L. November 30, 2007. "Trends in Data Treatment in the United States." Presentation. International Conference on Competitive Intelligence. University of Madrid. Madrid, Spain. |
Porter, Alan L. and Jayesh Patil. March 2007. "Where Is Nano Going." Presentation. Nano-Giga Challenges. Phoenix, AZ. |
Porter, Alan L., Jan Youtie, Philip Shapira, David J. Schoeneck, Li Tang and Pratik Mehta. April 2007. "Profiling Nano R&D." Presentation. Nano-Giga Challenges. Phoenix, AZ. |
Rogers Jr., Robert P. April 2007. "The Role of Research Centers in the US Nanotechnology Initiative." Presentation. Workshop on Social Dimensions of Nanotechnology. Paris, France. |
Sarewitz, Daniel. October 2007. "Anticipatory Governance of Emerging Technologies: Competing Values, Irreducible Uncertainties, and Transformation Innovation." Presentation. University of Oviedo. Oviedo, Spain. |
Sarewitz, Daniel. March 2007. "Connecting Research to Social Outcomes." Presentation. Board of Regents. University of Nebraska. Lincoln, NE. |
Sarewitz, Daniel. November 26, 2007. "New Tools for Science Policy Making." Presentation. Science, Technology, and Society Circle. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. |
Sarewitz, Daniel. April 16, 2007. "Political Effectiveness in Science and Technology." Presentation. Workshop on Science and Social Values. Center for Interdisciplinary Research. Bielefeld University. Bielefeld, Germany. |