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Philbrick, Mark. 2010. "Toxic Substances Control Act and Nanotechnology." Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, ed(s). David H. Guston, p. 764-765. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. |
Porter, Alan L. 2010. "Bibliometrics." Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, ed(s). David H. Guston, p. 47-48. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. |
Porter, Alan L. December 2010. "Profiling and Knowledge Tracking." Presentation. Chinese Academy of Sciences Library. Beijing, China. |
Porter, Alan L. and Stephen Carley. November 2010. "Three Generation Research Knowledge Tracking: Publication and Citation Analyses." Presentation. American Evaluation Association Conference. San Antonio, TX. |
Porter, Alan L., Ying Guo and Lu Huang. October 12, 2010. "Integrating Patent Analysis with R and D and Business Analyses to Forecast Innovation Prospects: Nano-Enhanced Solar Cells." Presentation. Patent Information Users Group PIUG 2010 Northeast Conference. New Brunswick, NJ. |
Porter, Alan L., Ying Guo, Lu Huang and Douglas K. R. Robinson. December 2010. "Forecasting Innovation Pathways: The Case of Nano-enhanced Solar Cells." Presentation. International Conference on Technological Innovation and Competitive Technical Intelligence. Beijing, China. |
Porter, Alan L. and Lu Huang. December 2010. "Tech Mining and Forecasting of Innovation Pathways, as Applied to Nano-enhanced Biosensors." Presentation. International Conference on Technological Innovation and Competitive Technical Intelligence. Beijing, China. |
Porter, Alan L. and Ismael Rafols. 2010. "Nano Research Patterns." Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, ed(s). David H. Guston, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. |
Sommerfield, Milton R., Mark Edwards and David Conz. January 15, 2010. "Bugs for Fuel: Microbes in out Energy Future." CNS-ASU Science Café. |
Rafols, Ismael. 2010. "Missing Links in Nanomaterials Governance: Bringing Industrial Dynamics and Downstream Policies into view." Working Paper. |
Rafols, Ismael, Alan L. Porter and Loet Leydesdorff. 2010. "Science Overlay Maps: A New Tool for Research Policy and Library Management." Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 61(9):1871-1887. doi: 10.1002/asi.21368 |
Reed, Jaron. 2010. "A Geospatial Analysis of Fast-Food Outlets and Demographic Variables in Phoenix, AZ: The Political Economy of Food." Undergraduate Thesis. Barrett Honors College. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Robinson, Douglas K. R., Lu Huang, Ying Guo and Alan L. Porter. 2010. "Towards a Systematic Framework for Anticipating and Evaluating Emerging S and T: Forecasting Innovation Pathways in Nanobiosensors and Deep Brain Interface Devices." Working Paper. |
Rogers, Juan D. 2010. "Citation Analysis of Nanotechnology at the Field Level: Implications of R and D Evaluation." Research Evaluation. 19(4):281-290. doi: 10.3152/095820210X12827366906409 |
Rogers, Lucas. 2010. "Fire Into Ice: Refrigeration Through Waste Heat in Ghanu." Undergraduate Thesis. Barrett Honors College. Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. |
Rogers, Juan D. December 2010. "Publication Patterns and Collaborative Work at NSECs." Presentation. NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Grantees Conference. Arlington, VA. |
Rogers, Juan D. 2010. "Research and Innovation Assessment." Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, ed(s). David H. Guston, p. 668-669. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. |
Samuelson, Hava and Braden Allenby. April 16, 2010. "Upgrading Ourselves: Can Technology Make Us Better." Presentation. CNS-ASU Science Café. Arizona Science Center. Phoenix, AZ. |
Scheufele, Dietram A. and Elizabeth A. Corley. 2010. Capstone: Risk Management Methods & Ethical, Legal, and Societal Implications of Nanotechnology.Report of the March 2010 Nantional Nanotechnology Initiative Workshop. Part IV of IV in the 2009-2010 NNI Environmental, Health, and Safety Workshop Series. |
Scheufele, Dietram A. and Anthony D. Dudo. 2010. "Emerging Agendas at the Intersection of Political and Science Communication: Communication About Nanotechnololgy." Communication Yearbook 34, ed(s). C. Salmon, p. 143-166. Newbury Park, CA: Sage. |
Schuurbiers, Daan. August 25-29, 2010. "In and Beyond the Lab: Interdisciplinary interactions in molecular biology laboratories." Presentation. Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). Tokyo, Japan. |
Schuurbiers, Daan. November 3, 2010. "Maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid." Delta, 42(31). |
Schuurbiers, Daan. 2010. "Midstream Modulation." Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society, ed(s). David H. Guston, p. 425-426. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. |
Schuurbiers, Daan. 2010. "Social Responsibility in Research Practice - Engaging applied scientists with the socio-ethical context of their work." Simon Stevin Series in Ethics of Technology, 6. Technical University of Delft. |
Schuurbiers, Daan, Erik Fisher and Harro van Lente. June 9-11, 2010. "A whole new set of lab responsibilities? 'Responsible innovation' and its consequences for research practices." Presentation. Risky Entanglements? Contemporary Research Cultures Imagined and Practiced. Vienna, Austria. |